Plants May Have Greater Capacity to Absorb CO2 from Human Activities, New Research Reveals

Plants May Have Greater Capacity to Absorb CO2 from Human Activities, New Research Reveals

New ⁤research⁢ published ​in Science Advances paints⁢ an‌ uncharacteristically upbeat picture for​ the planet. ​This is because more realistic ecological modeling suggests the ⁢world’s plants may be able‍ to take up more ‌atmospheric CO2 ⁣from human activities than previously predicted.

Despite this headline ​finding, the environmental scientists behind the ​research are quick to underline that this should ⁣in no way be ‍taken to mean the world’s governments can take their foot off the brake in their obligations to​ reduce carbon emissions as fast as ‍possible. Simply planting more trees ⁤and protecting existing​ vegetation ​is not a golden-bullet solution but the ​research does ‌underline the⁢ multiple benefits ⁤to conserving ⁢such vegetation.

“Plants take up a substantial‌ amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) every⁢ year, thereby slowing down the detrimental effects of climate change, but ‌the extent to which they ⁢will continue this CO2 uptake into the future has ‌been uncertain,” ⁢explains Dr. Jürgen Knauer, who headed the research⁣ team led by the Hawkesbury Institute for the ⁢Environment at Western Sydney University.

“What we​ found is that a well-established climate model that is used to feed into global climate​ predictions made by the likes of the IPCC predicts stronger and sustained carbon uptake until the⁢ end of the⁤ 21st​ century when it accounts for ‍the impact of some​ critical physiological processes ‌that ‍govern how plants conduct ​photosynthesis.

“We accounted for aspects like how efficiently carbon ​dioxide can move through the interior ⁤of the ⁣leaf, how plants adjust to changes‍ in⁤ temperatures, and ⁤how plants most economically distribute nutrients​ in their canopy. These are three really ⁤important mechanisms that affect a ⁣plant’s ability ​to ‘fix’⁣ carbon, ‌yet they are commonly ignored in most ⁤global models” said Dr. Knauer.

2023-11-19 03:41:03
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