Combining and Transmitting Multiple Light Modes: A Novel Approach Using Metamaterials

Combining and Transmitting Multiple Light Modes: A Novel Approach Using Metamaterials

The⁣ past few years have witnessed a significant increase in the volume of ​data ⁤transferred and processed per ⁣second. Emerging technologies like high-dimensional quantum communications, large-scale neural networks, and high-capacity networks demand large bandwidths and high data transfer speeds.‍ One potential solution to achieve‍ these requirements is to replace the conventional metallic wires between electronic system​ components with optical interconnects, utilizing light instead of electricity to establish data transfer channels.

Optical interconnections offer incredibly high speeds through a technique called mode-division multiplexing (MDM). Waveguides, precisely designed structures, enable light ⁤to propagate ‌in specific patterns ​known as “modes.” Since multiple modes can ‌propagate simultaneously without​ interference, they act as ⁢separate⁢ data channels, enhancing the overall data transfer rate of the⁣ system.

However, the speed of MDM⁢ systems reported thus ⁢far has ⁢been limited due ⁣to imperfections in device fabrication, resulting in refractive index‌ variations in the waveguides. One approach to mitigate ​these imperfections is to engineer the refractive indices of the waveguides by optimizing their structure and composition. Unfortunately, ​current methods are constrained by material ‌choices‍ or result in large circuit footprints.

In light of these⁢ challenges, a research​ team led by Professor Yikai Su from Shanghai​ Jiao Tong University in ⁤China aimed to develop a novel approach for coupling different light modes. Their study, ⁣published in ‌Advanced Photonics, details the successful implementation of this technique in ‍an ⁣MDM system, achieving​ unprecedented⁣ data ‌rates.

The‌ key highlight of the research is an innovative design for a light-mode⁤ coupler, a structure capable of manipulating a specific light mode traveling in a nearby​ bus waveguide, such as a ​nanowire carrying​ the total multi-mode signal. The coupler can inject a desired⁢ light mode into⁣ the bus waveguide or extract one ‌from it, redirecting it along a ‍different path.

2023-09-16 04:24:03
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