Parliament Speaker’s Term Concludes as Iraq’s Highest Court Makes Final Decision

Parliament Speaker’s Term Concludes as Iraq’s Highest Court Makes Final Decision

Iraq’s top court has‌ terminated the tenure ⁢of parliament speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi, who called the decision “strange” and suggested it ‍violated the ‌constitution and undermined‌ national stability.

The Federal Supreme ⁤Court’s ruling on Tuesday on ⁢the‌ country’s most powerful Sunni politician is final and not subject to appeal, according to state ‍media.

The⁢ court said in a statement that it decided to terminate al-Halbousi’s membership in parliament along ‍with that ⁢of lawmaker Laith al-Dulaimi. ⁣It did not elaborate on why it issued the decision.

In a video shared by his media office, al-Halbousi said: “We are surprised by the ‍issuance‌ of such decisions. We are surprised by their ​lack of respect for the constitution.”

He said ⁢that in his five years as speaker, he ​had operated with integrity‌ and “never discriminated” between Sunni and Shia ​Muslims.

The‌ ministers of culture, planning and industry handed ⁤in their resignations to protest what they ‌said ⁤was⁤ the “targeting” of al-Halbousi.

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