Pacific Island Leaders Gather as US Recognizes Cook Islands and Niue under Biden Administration

Pacific Island Leaders Gather as US Recognizes Cook Islands and Niue under Biden Administration

The United States ⁢has recognised the Cook Islands​ and Niue as “sovereign​ and independent” states and pledged‌ to open diplomatic relations, as US President Joe Biden bolsters ties to Pacific Island nations as part of‍ a‍ push to counter growing Chinese influence.

In a statement on Monday, Biden said “the history and the⁢ future⁣ of the Pacific Islands and the United States are⁢ inextricably linked”.

“The United States’ recognition of the Cook Islands, and the establishment of diplomatic relations will not only ⁢strengthen the ties between our nations, it will⁢ help ensure that our shared future ​is ⁢more secure, more prosperous, and more free — for our people and people ‌around the world.”

The US president is hosting⁤ the leaders‍ of Pacific Island nations for two​ days of discussions in ​Washington, DC, this ‌week.

The US-Pacific Island Forum Summit is expected to focus heavily⁣ on the ‌effects of the climate crisis, ​as well as economic ​growth, sustainable development ⁢and ⁣public health.

“I​ want‌ you to know I hear you.⁣ The ​people of ‌the United States and around⁢ the world hear you. We hear your warnings of a ​rising sea,” Biden said during ⁢a news ‍conference at the start of the discussions at the White House on‌ Monday morning.

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