OSIRIS-REx from NASA prepares to bring back fragments of asteroid Bennu to Earth

OSIRIS-REx from NASA prepares to bring back fragments of asteroid Bennu to Earth

Seven years is a ‍long ‍time to wait for your carrier service to deliver a package. That’s how long it’s ⁣been since NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft set off to gather rocks and dust ⁢from the asteroid ⁤Bennu. But the package is now nearly out for delivery.
This is the third​ mission to retrieve⁣ bits of an asteroid, and the ‌first for NASA and the United States. The​ amount ⁣of asteroid material onboard this time far exceeds the micrograms ​that Japan’s Hayabusa spacecraft returned in 2005, from the asteroid‍ Itokawa, and the five grams that Hayabusa2 collected in 2018 ‍from Ryugu (SN: 6/14/10; SN: 12/7/20).
The Bennu sample⁤ is scheduled ​to arrive with a timing and precision that would make most terrestrial delivery services jealous. After a three-year journey back from​ the asteroid, the⁢ capsule should enter ‍the atmosphere at 10:42 a.m. EDT, NASA says. Following ​an initially scorching descent, the capsule​ will release a ⁣parachute and descend to its destination at Hill Air Force Base near Ogden, Utah.
Live coverage of the‌ event will be available on⁢ NASA’s website starting at 10 a.m. EDT.

2023-09-22⁤ 07:00:00
Post from www.sciencenews.org

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