NYT Exclusive: Speaker Johnson’s Urgent Call for Military Aid to Ukraine Sparked by Intelligence Findings

NYT Exclusive: Speaker Johnson’s Urgent Call for Military Aid to Ukraine Sparked by Intelligence Findings

The New York Times⁤ reports that Mike Johnson, the Republican speaker of the US House of Representatives, has ⁤had a change of heart regarding military aid to Ukraine. Initially opposed, Johnson now supports ⁤passing a bill after reviewing evidence of Russian military crimes.

After meeting with national ‌security officials, including CIA Director William Burns, Johnson decided to collaborate with‌ Democrats on new bills for international military aid. However, he faced backlash from far-right Republicans threatening ⁢a vote of no confidence.

Chairman Michael McCaul revealed that Johnson,⁤ an evangelical Christian,​ prayed⁣ for guidance before his‌ decision,‍ aiming to be on‌ the right side of history. He ‌emphasized the importance of understanding‍ the intelligence, ‍warning that Putin’s aggression in Ukraine could escalate into a larger conflict in Europe.

Johnson urged ⁤fellow Republicans to​ educate⁣ themselves‌ on the Russian-Ukrainian ‍war,‍ stressing the urgency of providing aid to Ukraine. Failure to act, as stated by Representative Don Bacon, could have dire consequences if delayed beyond April.

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