November Dawns with Fed, Financing, and Jobs

November Dawns with Fed, Financing, and Jobs

A look at‍ the day​ ahead in ⁣U.S. and global markets from Mike DolanInvestors wishing to put a dark October behind‌ them first need to negotiate Wednesday’s Fed policy decision, Treasury’s ​debt ⁣sale plans and the ‌beginnings⁤ of a slew of labor market updates.As ⁣world markets kick off a new month in⁤ better spirits that they were for most of the last ‍one, overseas drama centred‌ on​ Japan’s yen -​ which plummeted close to ‍last year’s three-decade ‌low of 151.94 on Tuesday‍ after the Bank of Japan ‍made only a minor ⁤tweak to‍ its ‌yield control policy.Masato Kanda, Japan’s top currency diplomat, protested the move ⁣on Wednesday, saying‌ authorities were on “standby” to respond to the currency’s “one-sided, sharp” slide – ramping up ⁣the rhetoric around yen-buying intervention. But that lifted the currency only slightly and it hovers about 151.27 first thing.The⁤ problem is the BOJ may‍ have loosened its 10-year bond buying target rate of 1% – but it’s still committed to capping ‌yields around there and did so yet again ‌on Wednesday in another emergency operation that dragged‌ yields back to 0.95%.The weak yen and yield cap cheered Japan’s Nikkei (.N225) stock ⁤index, which surged more than‌ 2% earlier – helped by news of a more than doubling of Toyota’s profits​ that lifted the auto giant’s shares (7203.T) ​almost 5%.Does the yen​ drama matter for⁢ U.S. markets? At the margin at least, the concern is that protracted yen ⁣intervention and ⁣dollar sales by Japan may also ‍cut its demand for U.S. ⁤Treasuries at a sensitive time ​- while ‌higher ​yields there drag Japanese bond investors back⁢ home.Despite the⁤ U.S. Treasury forecasting a lower fourth-quarter borrowing need than​ previously flagged, the tension ⁣in the bond market remains ahead of its detailed future refinancing plans due later on ⁣Wednesday. Key will‍ be⁢ the amount of this year’s whopping $1.6 trillion of bill sales it will have to roll into‍ longer-term debt securities through 2024.With the Federal Reserve widely expected ⁣to hold policy rates steady again on⁤ Wednesday, the Treasury plans may end up⁢ getting more bond⁣ market ⁤attention. Ten-year yields nudged back higher to 4.89% overnight⁤ ahead of the⁢ two events.Fed officials will cast a wary eye over data released on Tuesday showing‍ employment ‍cost inflation picking ‌up during the ‌last quarter alongside accelerating ​house price rises ‌in September.But U.S. consumer confidence has softened, oil prices are​ falling again and the⁢ overseas demand picture is weakening.Despite ⁢all the handwringing about the impact on energy prices⁣ from the Middle East conflict, U.S. crude prices fell to ​their lowest since August on Tuesday – to just above $80 per‍ barrel and clocking year-on-year declines of some 7% that are the deepest since August too.With euro zone GDP numbers showing a contraction of the bloc’s​ economy in ⁢the third quarter – in stark contrast to the boom in⁢ the ‌United States -​ China’s economy again showed signs ‍of faltering⁣ on Wednesday.Chinese factory activity unexpectedly…

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