Nintendo Continues to Invest in Breath of the Wild 6 Years Later, Despite Upcoming Sequel

Nintendo Continues to Invest in Breath of the Wild 6 Years Later, Despite Upcoming Sequel

Despite the anticipation for Tears of the Kingdom, Zelda fans have been bombarded with Breath of the Wild content for the past six years. Nintendo recently tweeted a video promoting the game, leaving fans wondering why they haven’t seen more of the highly anticipated sequel. However, Nintendo has promised a 10-minute gameplay preview of Tears of the Kingdom tomorrow, providing some relief for eager fans. Some have speculated that the sequel may be delayed or of lower quality, but there is no definitive proof. Regardless, fans should demand more from one of the wealthiest publishers on earth and not settle for just clips of a six-year-old game.

2023-05-05 10:00:03 Nintendo Is Still Going Hard With Breath of the Wild 6 Years Later, Despite Sequel
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