Niger witnesses pro-coup rally following military intervention threat

Niger witnesses pro-coup rally following military intervention threat

Several thousand people have demonstrated in the capital of Niger in support of last⁤ month’s military coup, ⁣whose ⁣leader warned ⁤against outside intervention⁤ and proposed a three-year transition of power.

The demonstrators​ on Sunday chanted slogans hostile to former colonial power France ‌and the⁢ West African regional ⁢bloc Economic Community of West African​ States (ECOWAS), which ‌is considering a⁢ potential military operation to reinstate elected President Mohamed‍ Bazoum if​ ongoing negotiations⁢ with coup ⁢leaders fail.

The Sahel ⁢state’s new military leaders have officially ​banned⁣ demonstrations, but in⁤ practice those in support of ​the coup are allowed to go ⁢ahead.

The demonstrators waved placards saying “Stop the military intervention” and ⁤“No to sanctions” in reference⁤ to financial​ and trade restrictions imposed by ECOWAS four​ days after the putsch on July 26.

The latest ⁣in a string of pro-coup rallies came a day after the new ‌military ruler in⁣ Niamey warned an attack on Niger would not be a ⁢“walk in the park”.

General Abdourahmane ⁣Tchiani‍ also ⁤said in a​ televised ‌address on​ Saturday that he did not ‍wish to “confiscate” ​power ‍and a transition of power⁢ back to civilian rule would not go ​beyond ​three years.

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