Next Week, Gina Raimondo, the Commerce Secretary, Plans to Visit China

Next Week, Gina Raimondo, the Commerce Secretary, Plans to Visit China

Gina Raimondo, the secretary of commerce, will travel to Beijing and Shanghai for a series of meetings next week, becoming the ‍latest Biden official to visit China as the United States ‌seeks to stabilize the relationship between the countries.

Ms. Raimondo will meet with senior Chinese officials and American business leaders between Sunday and next ‍Tuesday, the Department of‌ Commerce said in an announcement Tuesday. The department said Ms. Raimondo was ⁤looking forward to “constructive discussions on issues relating to the U.S.-China commercial relationship, challenges faced ⁢by U.S. businesses and areas for potential cooperation.”

The secretary will visit during a period of tensions between Washington and ⁣Beijing, and amid extreme volatility in the Chinese ⁣economy,​ which is struggling with stalling growth, a real estate crisis and lackluster ‌consumer confidence.

The Biden administration has dispatched a series of officials to China in recent months in an attempt to restore⁤ some stability to the bilateral relationship, after the flight of a Chinese surveillance balloon across the United States early this year left ties badly frayed.

Since⁢ June, Secretary of State Antony ⁢J. Blinken, Treasury ⁣Secretary Janet L. Yellen and the ⁢presidential climate envoy, ⁤John ⁣Kerry, have‌ made trips to meet with counterparts in China. The meetings‌ could ‌potentially⁣ pave the way for a visit by China’s ⁢leader, Xi Jinping, to ​the United States this fall.

As‍ the cabinet official⁢ most ⁢responsible for promoting ‌the interests of American businesses abroad, Ms. ⁣Raimondo is likely to​ try to expand some commercial relations, and express concerns ⁣about‌ a recent crackdown ‍on firms‌ with foreign ties in China. A Chinese statistics agency announced that it had imposed fines of nearly $1.5 million on the ⁣Mintz Group, an American corporate investigations firm ‌that was raided in March, after finding that the company had engaged in ​“foreign-related” ‌surveys without official permission.

The meetings are also expected‍ to touch ​on ⁢the technology restrictions that Ms. Raimondo’s department oversees, which have prohibited⁤ companies in fields like artificial intelligence and quantum computing from sharing their most advanced technology with China. China has strongly objected to those restrictions.

Last month,‍ U.S. officials said Chinese hackers, most likely affiliated with​ the country’s military or spy services, had obtained Ms. Raimondo’s emails, in‌ a hack that State Department cybersecurity ​experts ⁢discovered in June. The hackers penetrated email accounts belonging​ to‍ State and​ Commerce Department officials, the U.S. officials said.

Li⁣ You contributed research from Shanghai.

2023-08-22 13:35:06
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