Newly Introduced Rewards System by Prominent AI Platform Encourages Creation of Deepfakes Featuring Real Individuals

Newly Introduced Rewards System by Prominent AI Platform Encourages Creation of Deepfakes Featuring Real Individuals

Civitai, an online marketplace for sharing AI models, has recently introduced a new⁢ feature called “bounties” to incentivize its community to create realistic deepfakes of real individuals, as originally reported by⁢ 404 Media.​ The ⁢creator of the best AI model⁣ will‍ receive a virtual currency called “Buzz,” ​which can⁤ be purchased with real money by users.

Many of the bounties posted ​on the platform ‌involve recreating the appearance of celebrities and social media influencers, ⁢with a majority⁣ of them ‍being female. The report⁤ also highlights that⁢ a ⁤significant portion​ of these results are categorized‍ as ‌”nonconsensual sexual images.” While⁢ this type of content has been prevalent on the internet for years, ⁢advancements in artificial ⁤intelligence have made​ the end results more lifelike. Furthermore, 404 Media⁣ discovered requests for deepfakes of private ​individuals who have minimal online presence, adding⁢ an additional layer of creepiness.

“I‌ am extremely concerned about⁢ the potential consequences of⁣ this,” expressed Michele Alves, an Instagram influencer who has a ⁤bounty on Civitai, in an ​interview with ‌404…

2023-11-13 14:43:26
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