Newly Discovered Stellar Object Defies Current Understanding of Neutron Star Physics, Say Astronomers

Newly Discovered Stellar Object Defies Current Understanding of Neutron Star Physics, Say Astronomers

An international⁣ team ‍led by⁤ astronomers ‍from‌ the⁢ Curtin ⁣University node of ​the International​ Center⁢ for⁢ Radio Astronomy ‍Research ⁣(ICRAR) has discovered ⁢a new ⁣type ⁢of stellar ‍object⁤ that​ challenges‍ our​ understanding of⁣ the‌ physics ⁤of ⁣neutron ‍stars.

The object⁤ could⁣ be⁢ an ⁢ultra-long period magnetar, a rare type of star with extremely ‌strong magnetic ​fields⁢ that⁤ can produce powerful‌ bursts of energy.

Until recently, all known magnetars released ⁢energy⁤ at ‌intervals⁢ ranging from ​a ⁣few ‍seconds to ​a ⁤few​ minutes. The newly discovered object ⁢emits‌ radio waves ‍every⁣ 22 minutes, making it ‌the longest period​ magnetar ever ‍detected. The ‍research⁢ was ⁢published in the‍ journal⁣ Nature.

Astronomers ‍discovered⁤ the ⁣object using the Murchison Widefield Array‍ (MWA),⁤ a ‌radio⁣ telescope on ⁣Wajarri ⁤Yamaji Country⁤ in‌ outback Western ⁤Australia. Lead ⁣author⁤ Dr.‍ Natasha Hurley-Walker said the magnetar, named GPM ‍J1839−10,‍ is ⁢15,000 ‌light-years ‌away⁤ from ⁢Earth ​in the⁢ Scutum ⁣constellation.

“This remarkable ‍object ‍challenges our ‌understanding of ​neutron⁢ stars ⁣and magnetars, which⁤ are‌ some of the most⁤ exotic⁣ and‍ extreme ‍objects ‍in the ⁤universe,” she ‍said.

An ‍animation‌ describing ⁣the discovery, the ⁢behavior⁢ of the object,‌ and what ⁣it​ might ‌look like.​ Credit:​ ICRAR.

2023-07-20 01:24:03
Source⁤ from ⁣ rnrn

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