Negative pressure revealed through light and sound waves

Negative pressure revealed through light and sound waves

Negative pressure is a ⁤rare and challenging-to-detect phenomenon in physics. Using liquid-filled ‌optical fibers and sound waves, researchers at the Max Planck ​Institute for the Science of ​Light (MPL) in Erlangen have‌ now discovered a new ⁢method to measure ⁣it. In ⁤collaboration with the ⁢Leibniz Institute ‌of ​Photonic Technologies in Jena (IPHT), the scientists ‍in the ‌Quantum Optoacoustics⁤ research group, led by Birgit Stiller, can gain important insights into⁣ thermodynamic states.

As a physical quantity pressure⁢ is encountered in various fields: atmospheric pressure ⁤in⁣ meteorology,‍ blood pressure in medicine, or even in‍ everyday life with pressure cookers⁤ and vacuum-sealed foods. ​Pressure is⁤ defined⁣ as a force per unit area acting perpendicular to a surface of a solid, liquid, or gas. Depending on the direction in which the‍ force ‍acts within a ⁤closed system, very high pressure can lead to explosive reactions in extreme cases, ⁢while very low⁤ pressure in a closed system can cause the implosion of the system itself.

Overpressure always means that the gas or liquid pushes against the ​walls of its container from the inside, like a balloon ⁤expanding when more air is added. Regardless of whether it’s high or low pressure, the numerical value of pressure is always ‌positive under ⁤normal circumstances.

However, liquids exhibit​ a ⁣peculiar characteristic.‍ They can exist in a specific metastable state corresponding​ to a negative pressure value. In this metastable state, even ⁣a ​tiny external influence ⁤can cause the system to collapse into one state or another. One can imagine it as sitting at the top of a roller coaster: the slightest touch on one side ‍or the ⁢other sends you hurtling down the tracks. In ​their current research, the ⁢scientists are examining the metastable ‍state⁤ of liquids with‌ negative pressure.

To achieve this, the research team combined two unique techniques in a study published⁢ in Nature Physics to measure various thermodynamic states. ​Initially, tiny amounts—nanoliters—of⁢ a liquid ⁤were encapsulated in a fully closed optical fiber, allowing both highly positive and negative pressures. Subsequently, the specific interaction of optical and acoustic waves in the liquid⁢ enabled the sensitive⁣ measurement of the ⁢influence of pressure and temperature in different states of the liquid.

2023-09-25 13:48:02
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