NASA Attempts to Establish Contact with Voyager 2 Spacecraft Following Communication Disruption Caused by Incorrect Command

NASA Attempts to Establish Contact with Voyager 2 Spacecraft Following Communication Disruption Caused by Incorrect Command

NASA is‌ listening for any peep from Voyager 2 ⁣after ‌losing contact with the spacecraft billions of miles away.

Hurtling ​ever deeper into interstellar‌ space, Voyager 2‌ has‍ been out​ of touch ever⁣ since flight controllers accidentally sent a wrong ⁣command more than a week ago ‍that ‌tilted its antenna away from ​Earth. The spacecraft’s antenna ​shifted a mere⁢ 2%,⁤ but it was enough ‌to cut communications.

Although it’s considered a long shot, ‍NASA said Monday that its huge dish antenna in Canberra, Australia, ​is on the lookout ​for any stray signals from Voyager 2,⁤ currently more than 12 ⁢billion miles ​(19 billion kilometers) distant. It takes more than 18‌ hours ⁣for a signal⁤ to reach Earth‍ from so‌ far away.

In the coming week, the Canberra antenna—part of NASA’s Deep Space Network—also⁤ will bombard ⁢Voyager 2’s vicinity with the correct command,⁣ in⁣ hopes it‍ hits its ‍mark, ⁣according to NASA’s ‌Jet ‌Propulsion Laboratory, which ⁤manages the Voyager ⁢missions.

Otherwise, NASA will have to wait⁢ until ⁤October‌ for ⁢an automatic spacecraft reset that should restore communication, according to officials.

2023-08-01 08:00:04
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