Mother Who Killed Lover Swept Up in TikTok Fame: A Tale of Two Lives

Mother Who Killed Lover Swept Up in TikTok Fame: A Tale of Two Lives

When she gave evidence⁣ at Leicester crown court, 46-year-old Ansreen Bukhari ⁢described how her daughter’s fame on TikTok had completely transformed her life.

“When I got married I was like a housewife, but with this⁢ TikTok thing I was ‍going ​out more. It was like two different lives,” she said.⁤ “It was more excitement. We were ⁤out and meeting people ⁣and stuff.”

Born in Pakistan, she moved​ to the UK ​as a‍ baby and had ambitions of‌ becoming a ‌flight‍ attendant, but her parents prevented her from going to ​college.

Her ‌daughter, Mahek, who has 128,000 followers⁢ on ​TikTok, where she⁢ publishes beauty ⁢and ‍lifestyle content, told the court how she would ⁤take ⁢her mother along to events and parties she was invited to, ⁤saying: “She’s like⁢ a sister to me, we’re ⁢best friends, and I know I could only trust her for anything. That’s the reason I ​would take her.”

In one video on Mahek’s⁤ TikTok channel, ‌the pair⁤ can be seen ‌doing a synchronised dance routine under the caption: “Having an elite relationship with your mum >>>”.

It was off the back of this new world of ⁣parties and popularity that Ansreen and her daughter ended up embroiled in a web of lies, ⁢and ultimately part of a plot to murder two young men who were killed in a fireball when their car ‌was driven off the ⁣road.

One of the victims was Saqib⁤ Hussain, 21, who met Ansreen online about three ⁢years before his death – he was then 18, but he⁣ lied and told her he was 27.

The pair began ​a sexual ⁢relationship, meeting up in hotels in Birmingham and London, and he would frequently send gifts to the ⁢house where she lived with her husband,​ her son and Mahek.

When the case first went to trial in 2022, before it was abandoned due to a “jury irregularity”, Ansreen claimed her relationship with ⁤Hussain was a one-off mistake.

However, before⁢ the retrial, police were able to access Hussain’s iCloud account ‌and discovered photos and videos proving the pair had met ‌multiple times over several years. Ansreen said she had lied previously to try ⁢to​ protect her marriage.

She claimed that she had tried to end the relationship multiple times, but that ‍Hussain would⁢ not accept her ⁢decision, ​and threatened to expose their affair to her husband and son with intimate photos and videos.

Mahek said‍ she had been upset and angry with⁤ her ⁢mother when ⁤she found out about the affair. She​ had a strong ⁤personal dislike of Hussain, claiming that ⁤at⁢ one point he had posted images online of her face superimposed on a naked body.

“He ⁢was​ a manipulative person⁣ and he was just pure nasty,” she told the court,‍ adding that he was ⁤“basically narcissistic”‌ and “a ‌stalker”.

The court was ​read an extract of dozens of messages Hussain sent to Ansreen before‌ his death, in which he repeatedly threatened to come ​to her‍ house, and said ⁣things such as “you’re pissing me off more and more by ⁤ignoring me”, “I⁣ will⁣ do something you’re gonna regret” and “I’m⁢ a crazy bastard”.

Messages show Hussain was ⁤demanding…

2023-08-04 11:30:30
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