Mike Skinner of The Streets: AI Will Push Us to Be More Insane

Mike Skinner of The Streets: AI Will Push Us to Be More Insane

Mike Skinner of The ‍Streets has ‌returned ⁤”rejuvenated” with a new album and his own ​self-made movie, optimistic for the future‌ of music as it sits on ⁤the‍ cusp of an AI revolution.

Having defined‍ a musical era in the early 2000s‍ with his unique mash-up of UK garage and US hip-hop, Skinner retired The Streets in⁤ 2011.

The​ project flickered back to life a few ⁢years ago with occasional tours and singles, and on Friday sees the release of the first proper album⁣ in 12⁣ years,⁣ “The Darker‍ The Shadow, The Brighter⁤ The Light”.

But Skinner’s real obsession​ for the past decade has been the ‌movie of the same name which ⁤it soundtracks — ⁢one in which he‍ starred,⁢ as well as wrote,‍ directed, ‍shot, edited and funded by himself.

“It’s actually a lot easier ‌to⁣ make a film than you think…​ It’s just⁢ the amount of work that’s the problem,” he told AFP during ‌a trip to Paris.

“I really enjoyed each individual ⁤job — recording the sound, lighting the scenes.⁤ Even the ‌special effects — which are⁤ awful — I ‌did myself,” he ​said with typically self-deprecating⁢ frankness.

Set in the underworld of London clubs, the film has the same ‍jarring feel as his music‌ — a‍ homespun ⁤delivery that straddles the line between amateurish and daringly experimental.

“The reason it seems experimental is just ⁤because I did everything myself and I didn’t really know⁤ how it’s⁣ supposed to be ‍done,” he said.

“But‌ my​ best work in the ⁤past I think has⁤ been⁣ when ‍I didn’t know how ‍things were supposed to be done.

“I sabotage myself… Even⁣ if I‍ could make​ my stuff ‍sound slick I would pull it apart because I would feel that’s fake‌ somehow.

“I can’t quite bear to do things well,” he added with⁤ a chuckle.

It is that embracing of imperfection that has made‌ The Streets ⁤such a singular⁢ musical creation.

It also⁣ gives Skinner hope for the future at a time when the industry is freaking out over the coming deluge⁢ of AI-generated music.

“AI will make human creativity so much weirder ⁤because in order to stand out ‍against that you won’t be able ​to⁢ copy anything,” Skinner ​said.

“It will force humans to be a ‍bit more bonkers and a bit more avant-garde.”

The Streets ⁤released the ⁢game-changing “Original Pirate Material”⁣ in 2002, putting ‌a laddish British spin ⁣on hip-hop with lyrics that were more about “greasy⁤ spoon cafeterias” than gangsters and diamond rings.

Four studio albums followed until Skinner announced he had “run​ out of new avenues”.

The film, however, has “totally rejuvenated” his passion, and‌ several years⁢ of DJ-ing in clubs have given ‌him a slate of banging new tunes, such as recent hit “Troubled Waters”.

He cannot quite help a bit more‍ self-deprecation, though.

“I think we’ve only really got a few songs in ​us to be honest. Bob Dylan said it: ‘I’ve only ever written one song but I‌ just do it ​over and over again.’

“That’s why I ‍think adding ​a film‌ to that just ⁣makes it more interesting.”

One​ downer is⁢ that he​ cannot tour Europe.

“We⁢ can’t afford to do a tour ​here,​ which is really sad. It’s a Brexit-related thing,” ‌he said, outlining the onerous tax and paperwork problems that Brexit has caused ‌for British musicians, though⁤ he hopes⁣ to come for festivals next‍ summer.

Having returned to The Streets​ in his forties, can he ⁤see himself still clubbing into ​his old age?

“I think‍ I might be‍ dancing on the QM2 from Southampton to New York⁤ on an eight-day ​cruise,” he⁣ said with a grin, referring ‌to the luxury Queen Mary⁢ 2 cruise liner.

“And maybe I might sneak ‍in some ecstasy.⁢ I’m sure they’ll be up for it.”

Artificial intelligence

2023-10-13 13:48:03
Article from www.ibtimes.com

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