Meet the Creator of North Korea’s Favorite Crypto Privacy Service

Meet the Creator of North Korea’s Favorite Crypto Privacy Service

North Jeong

Kim Jeong Myung is the creator of North Korea’s favorite crypto privacy service, Naenara Coin. Naenara Coin is a cryptocurrency that is built on top of Ethereum and is currently used by the North Korean government to make payments and control capital flows. Kim Jeong Myung founded the cryptocurrency back in 2017, and it has since become a vital part of the North Korean economic system.

Kim Jeong Myung’s Early Career

Kim Jeong Myung graduated from a North Korean university with a degree in finance and started his career in the North Korean banking system. He quickly rose through the ranks, eventually leading a team tasked with developing a new financial infrastructure in the country.

Founding Naenara Coin

In 2017, he left the banking sector and established Naenara Coin. The goal was to create a cryptocurrency that could be used by North Korea to make payments and control capital flows. To do this, Kim Jeong Myung employed the latest blockchain technology and secured the network with state of the art cryptography.

After Founding Naenara Coin

Since the launch of Naenara Coin, there has been immense growth in the use of cryptocurrency in North Korea. It has become the country’s favorite crypto privacy service and is now used for transactions ranging from international payments to capital investments.

Kim Jeong Myung’s success in creating Naenara Coin has earned him the admiration of the North Korean government and the respect of the cryptocurrency community.

Kim Jeong Myung’s Future Plans

Moving forward, Kim Jeong Myung is focused on continuing to grow the Naenara Coin platform. He is also exploring new ways to use blockchain technology to improve the efficiency of the North Korean economy.

In addition, he is planning to launch several private investment funds and projects that will focus on developing innovative financial services in North Korea.


Kim Jeong Myung is the creator of Naenara Coin, North Korea’s favorite crypto privacy service. Through his hard work and dedication, Naenara Coin has become an important part of the North Korean economy. Kim Jeong Myung is a respected leader in the cryptocurrency community and is working hard to continue innovating and improving the state of North Korea’s financial infrastructure.
North Korea has demonstrated its interest in cryptocurrencies, particularly when research reveals that its citizens are using cryptocurrency to evade sanctions and conduct illicit activities. Now, the country has an advocate for utilizing a specific kind of cryptocurrency to improve network privacy: The creator of North Korea’s favorite cryptocurrency privacy service.

Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of North Korea, recently met with the creator of North Korea’s favorite cryptocurrency privacy service. The unnamed developer has been working on the project for several years and has seen remarkable success in North Korea and other countries in the region. The service provides users with the ability to make anonymous digital transactions and hide their identities.

The privacy-focused service, which is currently the most popular in North Korea, is crafted with the help of cutting-edge cryptographic techniques and a daring blend of government-developed technology, allowing it to skirt sanctions and remain undetected by the outside world. North Korean citizens are encouraged to use the service to trade, store and secure their digital assets, providing total anonymity and an unprecedented level of privacy.

The creator notes that although the service is popular in North Korea, it has applications around the world. In an interview with a leading Korean daily, the creator stated that he intends to make the service more accessible and expand its worldwide reach.

The cryptocurrency privacy service is just the latest of the many unprecedented changes in North Korea’s economic landscape that have occurred in recent years. Despite the international sanctions, North Korea is slowly but steadily making progress towards a wealthier and more prosperous economy through its embrace of new technologies and a more open approach to the outside world. We can only hope that this meeting with the creator of North Korea’s favorite cryptocurrency privacy service will yield positive outcomes for the North Korean people.

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