Mastering Mutations: A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking All Abilities in Grounded

Discover the⁤ vast array of 40 unique Mutations waiting⁤ to be‌ unlocked and utilized ⁣in Obsidian’s thrilling survival base-building game, Grounded. These Mutations ‌serve as essential tools for players to conquer ⁣challenges and craft a tailored in-game experience. What sets these Mutations apart is that they can be obtained ‌through various routine tasks, eliminating ​the need⁣ for‌ tedious grinding.

Out of the 40 Mutations ​available, five can be purchased from BURG.L, while⁤ the remaining 35 require unlocking. Initially, players can ⁤equip two ⁢Mutations, but this number⁣ can be expanded to five using Milk Molars. Keep ‍in mind that many Mutations have phased ⁣unlocks, meaning their full potential ‍is only realized​ once fully unlocked.

As ‍mentioned, most Mutations have three unlocking⁢ phases, each phase enhancing the effects until reaching maximum potential. The requirements for⁢ each​ phase typically‌ mirror the initial unlocking task,⁢ with the only difference being ‍the ⁢quantity needed.

For ⁣instance,‍ while phase one‌ may task ⁢you with defeating 100 Antlions in Grounded, phase two may require 200 Antlions. Once ⁣phase three is reached, the Mutation’s effectiveness remains constant.

2024-04-17⁤ 16:00:03

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