Mass Stranding in Western Australia Claims Lives of 52 Whales

Mass Stranding in Western Australia Claims Lives of 52 Whales

The pod of pilot ⁣whales huddled together for​ nearly a full day in the ‍shallow waters off a remote ⁤beach⁤ in ‍Western Australia. At times ⁢it made the shape of a circle, or spread​ into‍ a line, or even, ⁢for a few moments, formed ​a loose heart shape.

Some residents were thrilled by the unusual sight earlier this ​week.‍ But authorities and researchers, baffled by the behavior, feared that a mass beaching ⁢was imminent.

The​ behavior‍ was “really ‍unusual,” said Kate Sprogis, a marine mammal ⁤ecologist at the University of Western ⁤Australia.⁣ “Healthy pilot​ whales don’t generally behave like this, and when you⁣ see it, you‌ think there’s something ​odd ‌going on.”

On Tuesday ⁢afternoon, researchers’ fears were confirmed. The pod of⁢ almost 100‍ long-finned pilot⁤ whales ⁢rushed to the shore, stranding ‌themselves on Cheynes Beach near​ Albany,⁣ in southern Western Australia.

Rescuers raced against the clock to save them. Once a ⁤pilot whale — which ⁢can grow⁣ up‍ to 24 ⁢feet in length and weigh⁢ up to 6,600 pounds — is out of the‍ water, ⁢its organs can be ⁤gradually crushed under its⁤ own weight. ⁢Even when whales are successfully‍ returned to sea, they ⁣will often strand‍ themselves again.

By Wednesday, ⁢52 of⁢ the whales ⁤had died,⁢ the authorities said. A team of local volunteer and conservation officials ⁣managed to move the remaining 45 back⁢ into the water and attempted‍ to herd them‍ back out to sea,‍ using boats and kayaks ​to guide them. ⁢

However, that ​afternoon, the whales⁤ re-stranded themselves further⁣ along the beach, the authorities said. Officials later said⁢ that the survivors had been euthanized. Peter Hartley,​ of the Parks and Wildlife Service of Western Australia, ​said on Thursday that⁣ it was “one of the hardest decisions ⁢in my 34 years in wildlife management.”⁢

Before the attempt to return the whales⁢ to sea, he had said⁤ that the animals would⁢ be released as a group, ​but ​if there were whales in that group that‌ were weak⁣ or hadn’t fully recovered, “we stand the risk that that will drag the other⁤ animals⁣ back to the⁣ beach.” Each whale would ‍be⁣ assessed to determine if it was ready for release, ⁢he added.

Researchers do not know exactly why mass strandings occur. One theory is that they ‍happen when the matriarch of the pod ⁣falls ‍ill and swims into shallow water, and the other members⁢ of the pod follow, given their tight-knit social bonds, said ‌Dr. Sprogis. Another reason could be that they‍ were disoriented by a loud offshore underwater noise, she said.

It was equally unclear why the whales had huddled in ⁤the shallow ⁢water before beaching themselves, Dr.​ Sprogis⁤ said, adding that pilot whales generally do not display behavior to indicate ‍that a stranding​ is ⁢imminent.

Mass strandings ‍in⁣ Australia are ⁢not ⁣uncommon. The country’s deadliest ⁤such event occurred in ⁢2020, when 470⁢ whales were beached on a coastline in ‌Tasmania, with most of⁣ them dying. ⁤Two‍ years to the day, another 230 washed up along⁣ roughly the same stretch of coast.

A similar stranding event…

2023-07-26 20:22:11
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