Many firms fail to fulfill their responsibility with the introduction of BYOD

Many firms fail to fulfill their responsibility with the introduction of BYOD

Apple deployments are⁣ accelerating⁤ across​ the global enterprise, so it’s ⁤surprising that many organizations don’t properly recognize that⁢ change. Even when companies put Macs, iPhones, and iPads in the hands of their employees, they are‍ failing to manage these⁣ deployments. It’s quite shocking.

That’s the biggest take-away from the latest Jamf research, which warns that⁢ almost half of enterprises across Europe still don’t have a formal Bring-Your-Own-Device‍ (BYOD) policy in place. That’s bad, as it means companies have no‍ control over how employees connect and use corporate resources, creating a nice, soft ‌attack surface for criminals and competitors alike.

Inefficiency, duplication, and compliance

There ‍were​ additional findings that should be considered by any enterprise allowing employee devices to⁣ access corporate resources,‍ particularly as most businesses are quickly embracing hybrid tech ‌infrastructure.

They‌ reveal increased security challenges, fading budgets and‍ a large amount of duplication ⁤and‌ inefficiency in the existing systems for device management.

Jamf‌ surveyed more⁤ than ⁤100 organizations ⁢attending events it ⁢held across​ Europe to‍ get to these​ conclusions.‌ Almost half (43%) of those surveyed⁣ felt that they ⁣face more compliance-based security concerns this year versus last year, even as 53%​ of ‍enterprises seek to cut security/IT costs.

Switching to new ways ‌of doing things

One way⁤ they may be ⁢able to cut⁣ costs might be‍ to do ⁢a better ‍job ‌of harmonizing existing contracts. It‍ looks like two-thirds (67%) of​ enterprises use up to five separate vendors for management⁤ and security across all ⁢device‍ types. Not ⁤only that, but‌ there seems to be some weird divide between⁣ organizational departments, with​ 57% of ‌them having separate teams⁤ to ​handle device management and security.

In the​ context of today’s hybrid workplace and⁣ multiple devices and operating systems, it’s ⁢hard to ‌see why ‍some business users impose that​ difference — it’s‍ a⁤ hangover from a less integrated⁢ era of IT.

As an aside, I spoke with outgoing Jamf⁤ CEO⁤ Dean Hager recently, who explained ⁣how ⁣device management has evolved. “The reason ​you’re buying⁣ all this stuff ⁣is to make sure that you have trusted access. And none of the patchwork of ‍solutions that existed at that time could ‍do this​ alone,” he said.

Securing your business

BYOD schemes can ⁢save company cash, but the real benefit is seen ⁤in the productivity, loyalty, and‌ commitment benefits⁢ unlocked when employees gain this kind of‌ autonomy. Still, in today’s security environment there are risks that⁣ must⁤ be ⁣managed rather than ignored.

It isn’t⁢ really enough to⁤ rely on the legendary security benefits of Apple’s platforms – Apple⁢ recognizes this, which is why it works so closely⁣ with security researchers ⁤to identify flaws in ⁤those systems.

It’s also why it developed a mechanism for rapid ⁣security response to threats. There is no such thing as 100% secure, which means…

2023-08-31 09:00:03
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