Majority of UK councils have yet to utilize entire allocation from levelling-up fund

Majority of UK councils have yet to utilize entire allocation from levelling-up fund

A multibillion ‌pound fund designed to boost levelling up and replace crucial EU funding is being left unspent by the vast majority of councils, ⁢the Observer can disclose.

The ​main reasons for a‍ significant underspend in the shared prosperity fund were money being handed over too late to‍ spend, a lengthy and bureaucratic process and a hollowing-out of council expertise.

The fund, a central⁣ pillar of the government’s efforts to boost the most deprived areas of the UK, is designed to provide £2.6bn⁣ by ​2025. Ministers said it would “reduce the levels of⁣ bureaucracy and funding​ spent on administration when compared with EU funds” and “enable truly local decision making”.

However, new data uncovered using the Freedom of Information Act reveals that 95% of⁣ the local authorities that received funding ‍in 2022-23 were unable to spend all of their share. Across the UK, 43% of £429m in funding was not spent.‌ Not a⁤ single council⁤ in the north of England, Scotland or Wales spent its full investment.

The findings will raise questions over whether the​ new post-Brexit system is streamlining funding and handing power to communities in the way ministers promised when the fund was launched last ⁢year.

The unspent money has been rolled ⁣over into this year. However Jack ‌Shaw, affiliate researcher at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at⁤ Cambridge University, who uncovered ‌the data, said ⁢there was a “big risk” of the mistakes that were leaving councils unable to spend the cash‌ would simply be repeated with an even bigger potavailable this financial year.

He said the‌ main ⁤reason authorities were unable to spend their allocations in ⁢2022-23 was‍ because the government gave⁤ them less than two months, instead of 12 months. Shaw warned that with significant underspends likely at the end ⁣of the programme, money could be recouped and allocated elsewhere⁢ across Whitehall. “The issue is​ not the size of the funding pot per se, but the rules attached to it and the ⁤failure to get it out on⁤ time,” ⁤he⁢ said. “Authorities will now have to spend nearly three times more than they were able to allocate ⁣in 2022-23 – which raises questions about their capacity and capability to do so, ‍given the reductions in staffing in recent years.

“It’s clear that whoever wins the next election will need to prioritise public services and, in particular, rebuild local capacity.”

His research found that of ⁤the 235 groups responsible for taking forward the ​shared prosperity fund, 223 of them had to request additional time ‌to spend their investment. Only 12 authorities spent their investment in full, including Slough and Woking councils, which have both‍ issued bankruptcy notices.

Shaw and others are calling for‍ the system to be simplified and speeded up, to give councils a fighting chance ‌of actually spending money allocated to improve poorer neighbourhoods.

Professor Graeme Atherton, head of the Centre for Inequality and​ Levelling Up at West London University, said: “Part of…

2023-11-05 02:00:02
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