Major Telecoms Outage in Australia Sparks Investigation

Major Telecoms Outage in Australia Sparks Investigation

communications outage, though not yet offered⁤ a full explanation of the root cause” width=”736″ height=”490″>

Australian telecoms giant Optus ‍has repeatedly apologised for Wednesday’s communications outage, though not ⁤yet offered a ⁤full⁤ explanation of the root cause

Australia’s government on Thursday launched an investigation into a nationwide communications outage‌ that ⁢crippled ⁤phone lines and severed internet access‍ for⁣ 10 million⁣ customers.

For almost 12 hours⁣ Wednesday, ⁤the unexplained glitch crashed electronic payments, disrupted phone lines used by emergency services and stopped people accessing government systems.

Telecommunications company ‌Optus ⁢– Australia’s second-largest phone ‌provider with more than 10 million customers — ‍has ⁢repeatedly apologised for what it described as a “technical network outage” ⁣but did not offer a fuller explanation of the root cause.

Communications Minister ⁢Michelle Rowland‌ said a government review would now focus on ⁢understanding ⁤how ⁤the “particularly concerning” network failure occurred.

“It⁣ is critical that industry ⁢and governments⁤ take stock following large-scale outages, given no network is immune,”‌ she said in⁤ a statement.

Optus and the government ‌are at odds over the company’s handling ‍of the crisis and whether impacted businesses should be ​paid out after effectively losing ⁣a‌ full ‍day’s trading.

While Optus executives have shut‌ down talk of ⁣compensation, Rowland said it ​was “reasonable” for aggrieved customers to expect some form of redress.

Rowland said a‍ separate investigation, conducted by the‌ government’s⁣ communications regulator, ⁤would assess whether Optus had ⁢failed its ‌obligations ⁤to carry phone calls made to emergency​ services.

According to polling company Roy Morgan, Optus was already one of Australia’s least-trusted brands.

Just over one year⁣ ago, more than⁣ nine​ million Optus customers ⁣had their personal data stolen in a ⁤cyber attack.

Chief executive ‌Kelly Bayer Rosmarin said the ‌company​ would “work​ even harder to retain our customers’ trust” in a statement released ⁢Thursday alongside⁤ the company’s half-yearly earnings.

A ​host of organisations and businesses were hit by the outage, ⁢including the ‍federal⁤ department ​of ⁤education, the Royal ⁣Melbourne ‌Hospital, and Australia’s Commonwealth Bank.

Landline phones on the Optus network were unable to ring ⁢emergency services, and thousands of commuters were stranded ⁣when ​rush hour trains were briefly halted.


2023-11-14 06:41:02
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