Major Australian Ports Could Face Days of Disruption Due to Cyberattack

Major Australian Ports Could Face Days of Disruption Due to Cyberattack

DP World​ cranes at ⁤Port Botany⁤ in Sydney on November 13

Major ports handling nearly 40 percent of Australia’s freight trade may⁣ remain crippled for ​days, officials said Monday, after a cyberattack blocked ⁢the key gateways.

Leading ports ⁤operator DP World said it cut its systems from the internet when the attack ⁢was detected Friday, preventing trucks from unloading‍ or​ picking up cargo at ‌ports‍ in Sydney,⁢ Melbourne, Brisbane and​ Fremantle.

Australia’s⁤ national cybersecurity​ coordinator, ​Darren​ Goldie, said DP World is‍ “making good progress in trying to get their systems⁤ back online”.

“I don’t have ⁢any further‍ estimation on‌ the time‌ it will‍ take to⁤ restore but the company does have confidence that that is ​certainly in the days, not weeks, category,” ​he told national broadcaster ABC.

The DP World ports were able to remove containers from​ ships,⁢ but ⁣the cargo yards were “filling up”,‌ he said, because trucks‍ could not transport the⁤ goods in ⁤or out.

Goldie said the company⁤ did the right thing⁤ by ⁤cutting off its⁤ internet ​access to prevent the⁣ cyberattack from spreading.

Goldie said he did not know ‍who was ‍behind ​it. ⁣And he did not expect the government ‍to be attributing blame “anytime soon”.

He ⁢said “all indications” pointed to the incident being contained⁤ but stressed that he was relying ⁣on DP World and its response team ⁤for that information.

DP World’s‍ advisor ​on ⁤its‍ response to the cyberattack, Alastair MacGibbon, said there had been “unauthorised activity in ​the system”.

Data had been taken by “someone ⁢malicious or unauthorised”, ​he told Nine Network television, without giving⁣ details ​of the nature of‌ the stolen information.

The port operator was able to access ‍emergency freight such ⁣as vital medical supplies and equipment, ⁤said MacGibbon, chief strategy officer at CyberCX.

The Australian government called emergency ‍meetings ​with‌ the company and industry ‍representatives over ​the weekend to ⁣manage its response.

The⁢ environment ⁢and water minister, Tanya Plibersek, said the‌ government wanted to toughen​ Australian businesses’ defences‍ against cyberattacks.

International criminal syndicates were ⁤using ransomware to extort money from Australian⁣ businesses but the government did not know the ⁤full‍ extent because some victims paid the ransom without reporting it, the minister said.

Cybersecurity experts have said inadequate safeguards and the​ stockpiling of sensitive customer information have made Australia a ⁣lucrative target for hackers.

Medibank, ⁤Australia’s largest private health⁤ insurer, said in November 2022 that hackers ⁣had accessed​ the⁣ data ⁤of⁤ 9.7 million​ current and former customers, including medical​ records related ‍to drug abuse and pregnancy ⁤terminations.

Just two months earlier, telecom company Optus​ fell prey to a data breach of a similar scale in which ⁢the personal​ details of up to 9.8 million people⁢ were accessed.

Those two incidents were among‌ the largest data breaches in Australian history.

Optus, Australia’s second-largest phone provider, apologised to its more than 10 million ‍customers last week over a “technical ⁣network outage” that cut off mobile and internet services ⁣for many hours.

The ⁢Australian ⁣government has launched an investigation ⁤into that unexplained glitch, ​although it has‌ not been ⁢described as a ⁤cyberattack.

2023-11-18 06:41:03
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