Lviv City in Western Ukraine Targeted by Russia’s Air Strikes

Lviv City in Western Ukraine Targeted by Russia’s Air Strikes

The western⁤ Ukrainian city of Lviv was hit by explosions in the early morning as ‍air ‌defenses engaged in stopping waves of Russian air attacks, ‍according to local officials.

The city’s mayor, Andriy Sadoviy,​ communicated through the Telegram messaging app⁢ early on Tuesday that ‌”air defenses are operating in our region” and advised residents to seek shelter.

Ukraine’s Air Force also stated on Telegram that “the threat of Shahed [Iranian-made drones] remains in​ the Lviv region. Air defenses are operating.”

Starting at approximately 00:00 GMT,​ western Ukraine was put on an air raid alert. Reports indicate that several waves of drones​ attempted to target locations⁢ in Lviv city, resulting in numerous explosions as air defenses intercepted the incoming unmanned aerial vehicles.

Later, Sadoviy reported ⁤that a fire ​had broken out at an industrial warehouse and emergency services were working to extinguish it. He initially mentioned one person injured in the attack.

“So​ far, only one person has been injured⁣ in the attack,” the mayor stated on Telegram. He added that a man in his mid-20s was found under the rubble of a warehouse and taken to the hospital.

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