London Museum Searches for Identity of Nameless War Hero: Wren

London Museum Searches for Identity of Nameless War Hero: Wren

The faces of some of those ‍who served “in peril ⁤on the sea” in the second world war are still familiar ​to us from portraits ⁤and archive news⁤ footage. This means ⁣a shared ⁣debt ⁣to those who served in the‌ Royal Navy can at least be honoured, if ⁤not repaid. But many faces​ and names have been lost to time – especially if they were ‌women.

Now the Royal Museums Greenwich are keen to reclaim‍ one of those ⁣missing names. They have‌ recently bought an extraordinary, characterful and rare ‍portrait of a serving Wren – the name, from the acronym for the Women’s Royal Naval Service, then⁣ used for female naval officers⁢ working on​ shore. But the museum curators don’t know who she is. The image, painted in 1945, will go on show in a rehang in the historic Queen’s House and the​ museum is appealing today to readers who may recognise the face‌ of⁤ a grandmother or ⁢aunt – or even, conceivably,⁤ see their own younger self reflected.

The whole portrait, showing the​ single ‍blue ring on the ​Wren’s sleeve, the‍ blue and ⁢white​ medal ribbon, and, ​possibly, a wedding ring.‌ Photograph: Joshua Akin/National Maritime Museum

“It ​is a really striking ⁤portrait, really arresting,” said Greenwich curator Katherine Gazzard, who has researched the painting. ‍“It is​ also a really⁣ unusual addition to our collection, ‌as, ⁤although we have many portraits of officers and sailors, we don’t have‌ a single formal portrait of a ‌woman in a ‌serving ⁣role. We may have them as wives, and perhaps a queen or two, ‌but⁣ it is a huge omission.”

Gazzard⁢ and her ⁣team have found​ a few‍ clues as to her identity and are hoping that by​ the​ time the‌ picture, by Leeds-born artist⁢ Joseph ‌McCulloch, is exhibited in 2024, the mystery will have been solved ⁣by the public. The subject is a third-class officer, ‍identified by a⁢ single blue ring on her sleeve and she seems to have a blue and white ribbon, which might be above⁤ a Distinguished Service ⁤Medal. There is also a suggestion⁣ of ⁤a ⁢wedding ring, but McCulloch’s sketchy style makes this uncertain.

National Maritime Museum hopes display will‌ solve mystery of Wren artistRead ‍more

“We ‌bought the ​painting late last‍ year but there was no real⁤ provenance,” said Gazzard.

“But McCulloch was working in Chelsea at the time and many of ‌his letters of the period were written on⁢ Chelsea Arts Club paper. He‌ usually exhibited landscapes, so it seems probable that he either ⁣knew the sitter or that she was a ⁢friend of someone he‌ knew.”

The⁢ attempt to find new images of women in the Navy⁢ is important, believes Gazzard, curator of post-1800 art at the museum. “The lack mirrors‌ a general problem of under-representation and⁢ it speaks ‍to the priorities of collections‌ in the past. Men have been depicted much more than women and ​if ‌you look​ in the ‌records of the ‌War Artists Advisory Committee, you⁢ can see why. ​Women are only 3% ⁢of those depicted ⁢in our archives and yet ⁢they made up 10% of personnel.”

The⁤ portrait, which is now being cleaned by conservators RMG,…

2023-08-06 07:00:12
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