Living in Gaza for 60 Days: A Constant Struggle for Safety

Living in Gaza for 60 Days: A Constant Struggle for Safety

Jason Shawa

Samar Abu Elouf for The New York Times

Hatem ⁣Ali/Associated​ Press

Yousef⁢ Masoud for The New York Times

Samar⁣ Abu Elouf for The New York ‌Times

Samar‌ Abu Elouf for The New ‌York Times

During the cease-fire,⁢ more medical ‌supplies and other ⁢aid made it into Gaza, and some hospitals were able to​ resume some treatments, like dialysis. For the first time in ⁢seven weeks, patients ​with traumatic injuries ​were not arriving at emergency rooms in waves after airstrikes.

Gazans were able to go out to stock up on essentials, though‍ long lines remained and goods were in short supply. Some returned to their ⁤homes to see if they were ‍still intact, check on‍ relatives left behind or bury the dead.

On Friday,⁢ the cease-fire fell apart and Israel resumed airstrikes across Gaza.

“Our feeling of safety, even for ⁤a ⁢moment, is over,” said Yousef Hammash, an advocacy officer for the Norwegian Refugee Council in Gaza. “I don’t know what’s ‌waiting for us ⁢now. It seems ⁤we are going⁣ to hell ‌again.”

Additional⁤ work by​ K.K. Rebecca‌ Lai. Reporting was contributed by Raja Abdulrahim, Rachel ​Abrams, Iyad Abuheweila, Yousur Al-Hlou, Abu Bakr Bashir, Anna Betts, Axel Boada, Aaron Boxerman, ⁣Abu Bakr Bashir, Emma Bubola, Chevaz Clarke, Ameera Harouda, Ang Li, Anushka Patil, Hiba Yazbek,​ Vivian Yee and Karen Zraick.

The quoted accounts ​of life in Gaza are drawn from direct interviews and, in a few instances, video footage from Reuters. For further detail​ on the situation in Gaza, see⁤ additional coverage from ⁢The Times:

Trapped in Gaza, Palestinian Americans Say They Feel ​Abandoned

In Southern ‍Gaza, Finding ⁣Water is Now ‘the Hardest Thing.’

Despite ⁢the Risk, ‌a Gazan Family Chooses to ⁤Stay Put.

‘No More Safe Places in Gaza’: Evacuees​ Face Airstrikes in North and South

Israeli Strikes in ​Southern Gaza Prompt Palestinians ⁤to Return North

A Sudden Blast, Then Carnage in a⁢ Hospital Courtyard

Pregnant Women‌ in Gaza Face Dangerous Births⁢ on Their‍ Own.

‘There ‍Is No ​Safe Place’: Some Gazans Have Been Forced to Flee Again and Again.

An Audio Diary of Despair

‘You Think of Dying at⁤ Any Time’

A ‍Young Woman Describes‌ the ⁤Crisis in ⁣Gaza: ‘If⁤ the Bombs Didn’t Kill Us, Our⁣ Living Situation Will.’

In Gazan Neighborhood Hit by Airstrikes, Death and Despair​ Reign ​

‘We​ Went​ Back to the Stone Age’

Estimates of ⁢damaged buildings in Gaza are from an analysis of Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite data by Jamon Van ⁢Den ‍Hoek of Oregon State University and Corey Scher of the CUNY Graduate Center.⁤

Damage⁣ photos are‌ by​ Christopher​ Furlong/Getty Images, Mohammad Ahmad/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images, Yahya‍ Hassouna/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images, Reuters,⁤ Omar El-Qattaa/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images, Mahmud Hams/Agence‍ France-Presse — Getty Images, Mohammed Abed/Agence​ France-Presse — Getty Images⁢

2023-12-05 19:44:45
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