Female Health Workers Fight for Fair Compensation: Recognizing the Contributions of Women in Healthcare

Female Health Workers Fight for Fair Compensation: Recognizing the Contributions of Women in Healthcare

On a given work day, Misra Yusuf ​might vaccinate a child against polio, inject a⁣ woman with a long-acting ‌contraceptive,‌ screen‍ a man for‌ tuberculosis, hang a bed net to protect a family from malaria and help dig ⁣a pit latrine. Over the past few years, she has ‌administered some 10,000 coronavirus​ vaccines in her community in eastern‌ Ethiopia. She has also spotted and snuffed out a measles⁤ outbreak.

She works far more than the 40 hours her contract requires ⁣of her each ‍week. For her labor, the Ethiopian​ government pays her the equivalent of $90 a month.

“The payment is discouraging,” she said.‌ “But I keep going ​because I value the work.”

Ms. Yusuf is one in a legion of more than three million community health ​workers globally and is one of a small minority that are actually paid ‌anything at all. Eighty-six percent of community health workers in ⁣Africa are completely unpaid.

But now, spurred by frustrations that arose during the‌ Covid pandemic and connected by⁢ digital technologies that have reached even ⁣remote areas, community health workers are organizing to ‍fight for fair​ compensation. The movement stretches across ⁢developing countries and echoes ​the labor actions undertaken by female‍ garment workers in many of those nations 40 years ago.

“Community health‌ workers in​ some‍ countries like Rwanda and Liberia are treating⁤ half of malaria cases, they’re doing huge feats of curative care, of promotive care, of ⁣preventive care — and yet​ the vast majority of community health workers around the‌ world are not paid or⁣ supported,” said Madeleine Ballard, the chief executive of Community Health Impact ‌Coalition, an advocacy group that is helping with organization and strategy. “This is a gender ⁣issue, it’s a ⁢public health issue and it’s a labor issue.”

The new pressure is starting to​ produce results. In ⁢Kenya, 100,000 female⁣ community health workers recently started to receive stipends — $25 a month, paid by the government — as a newly ⁣formalized group of health promoters. The win followed a campaign, coordinated on ‌WhatsApp, in which⁣ women posted pictures​ on ‌social media of ⁤themselves doing their jobs and used ‌an app to learn strategies for lobbying politicians.

Margaret Odera, who formed the first WhatsApp group, said she relished her successes helping ⁣pregnant ⁢women in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, shield their babies from H.I.V. But she was tired of a decade of being told that “only God can​ thank you” for the ‌work.

“If​ you can pay a doctor for saving a life,​ you can pay me,” she said.

For more than a billion people in ‍low-income countries, community health ‍workers deliver the main, and sometimes only, health care they receive over their ⁣lifetime. Health and aid organizations, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation;‍ the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; and USAID, depend on the workers to carry out programs that often have multimillion-dollar budgets. Yet little or nothing in…

2023-09-21 ‌04:00:30
Link from www.nytimes.com

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