Live UK Politics: Rishi Sunak stands firm on net zero U-turn despite criticism at home and abroad

From 6m agoKey events6m agoSunak says he is⁢ confident government has policies in place to meet its climate targetsFilters‌ BETAKey events (1)Rishi Sunak (6)2m ago03.22 EDT

Q: On boilers, you are ⁣saying it will be possible to install ⁢a new gas boiler up to 2035. So they could be⁤ operating up ‍to ⁤2050.

Sunak says a boiler typically lasts 15 years. ⁢And 2050 is ⁢the deadline for net zero.

He says people will have​ to⁣ make changes.

He says 2035 ⁤is a “sensible date”.

But he‌ says⁢ he​ has also⁤ introduced exemptions for households where installing ​a heat⁤ pump does not‌ make sense.

3m ago03.20 EDT

Q:⁢ Ford says you have undermined consistency.

Sunak says Ford made those comments‌ before he made his⁤ speech.⁤ Since then, other car manufacturers have been more positive.

Q: Manufacturers say they won’t have an incentive to invest.

Sunak says ​he ⁤does not accept that, because the targets are in line​ with most other major countries.

5m ago03.18 EDT

Sunak says people who ​disagree with him must explain ⁢why they want families ⁤to have to pay an ⁣extra £5,000, £10,000 or ‌£15,000.

Q: No one is ‌suggesting people will have​ to spend ​that ⁤money now.

Sunak says there were polices in place (on boilers) kicking ​in in​ just⁤ two years.

6m ago03.17 EDTSunak says he⁣ is ‍confident government has policies in place to meet its climate targets

Q: People ⁣will be surprised by you⁢ saying you are not slowing down. Alok Sharma is at the UN. He was the Cop26 president, and he ​says there is consternation ‌at the UN about your ⁤speech. You‍ will encourage other countries to slow down.

Sunak says, ‌at ⁣the​ G20, he made the biggest ever⁣ UK contribution to help the⁤ poorest⁣ countries to transition.

He says the UK target ⁤for decarbonisation by ​2030 is 68%. He says ⁤other countries have lower targets. These are the​ facts⁣ that count.

Q: But people are concerned about where were are going.

Sunak⁣ says⁤ these​ are targets for 2030.

Q: The Climate‌ Change Committee monitors if the government can meet its ⁢target, and‍ it says the UK does not have the policies in⁣ place to⁢ meet its targets.

He​ says ⁢the secretary ​of state is legally bound to ensure policies are in ⁢place to ‌meet these targets.

Q:⁢ The CCC says you don’t.

Sunak says he is⁢ confident in his position.

And he says the ⁤government has “consistently overdelivered” in meeting‍ its climate target.

The cost of new technology is coming down. And take-up ⁤of green technologies is increasing.

12m ⁢ago03.12 EDT

Nick Robinson⁣ is interview Rishi Sunak in‍ No 10, in the Thatcher Room.

Robinson starts by recalling Margaret Thatcher going ‌to the‌ UN to⁢ warn against climate change.

Q: But you have⁣ not gone ​to the UN this year, and you are slowing down measures on climate change?

Sunak says he is‍ not slowing down the climate targets.

He says you cannot look at the events⁣ this summer and ‍not ‍think climate change‍ is⁣ real.

But, as Thatcher ‍would have said, it is not right to assert a​ goal without having ⁢a​ clear plan to get there, he says.

Updated at ⁢03.12 EDT14m ago03.09 EDT

Last night ⁣Kwasi Kwarteng…

2023-09-21 02:12:55
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