Live News from Australia: Jim Chalmers Unveils First ‘Wellbeing Budget’ Exposing a Stressed Nation

Key events24m⁢ agoWelcomeFilters BETAKey events (1)Jim ⁢Chalmers⁣ (3)6m ‍ago17.53 EDT

There ‌has been a fatal ⁤three-vehicle⁣ crash​ in‍ the Southbound lanes ‍of the‍ Bruce Highway at Federal this ‌morning.

In ⁢a ​statement, police ⁤said:

Police ⁢received calls just before ⁣4am of ‌the crash ⁤and‌ investigations are ongoing to determine the circumstances ⁤involved.

Three ‍people have died‌ and ⁣a male in his 30’s​ sustained a head⁤ injury and ⁢was‌ transported in a serious but​ stable condition​ to ⁢Gympie Hospital.

The⁤ Bruce Highway​ is​ expected to ⁣be⁢ closed ​in the‍ Southbound‍ lanes⁣ for an extended period and ⁢diversions ‌are⁤ currently ‍in place.

The Forensic‌ Crash ​Unit⁣ is⁤ investigating.

11m ago17.49 EDT

Jim⁣ Chalmers says Australians ⁣‘doing it ⁤tough’ ‌on mortgages

Chalmers has been asked about ‌some ​of the ⁤data​ in‌ the ‌wellbeing ⁤framework that is⁣ out of​ date ⁢–⁤ including the information on‌ mortgage⁣ repayments:

People are doing it tough.​ We’ve⁢ talked⁣ about ⁣that.⁢ The main⁣ game‍ is ⁢rolling ⁣out cost-of-living relief‌ for people ⁢who ⁣need⁤ it. We get more ⁤frequent data⁢ that‌ help us understand those ‌pressures, what we’re talking ⁤about is⁢ in ​addition​ to that.

We made it clear, this‌ is⁤ our first crack⁢ at⁢ it.⁤ One of⁢ the tasks is‌ to identify the ⁤gaps in the ⁤data. ⁤We‌ want people⁣ to ⁤discuss⁢ it and ​critique⁤ it.

We haven’t⁤ had ‌a ⁤national ⁤wellbeing framework⁤ before. ⁤What it makes clear is we​ need to‌ be better ‌at ⁢measuring our progress over ⁢time.

Updated at⁢ 17.59 EDT13m ago17.47 EDT

Treasurer⁤ says‌ ‘supply ‌issues’ affecting​ cost​ of living

The​ treasurer ‌has ‌said ⁢there are some supply-side ⁢issues ⁢increasing ⁤inflation:

There are supply-side issues⁢ relating⁢ to inflation. ⁢The war in‌ Ukraine and the pressure​ on ⁢supply chains ⁤coming‌ out of​ the pandemic.​ A‍ number‌ of ‍those‌ issues ‌are⁢ supply issues.

Updated⁣ at 17.57 EDT16m ago17.44 EDT

Jim‌ Chalmers says‌ job market​ ‘remarkably strong

Jim Chalmers has been asked ‍about the employment ‌figures yesterday –⁤ which show ⁣the⁤ jobs market is ‍still‌ red hot, with employment ‍at 3%.

The​ fact‌ our job market has ⁤been remarkably strong ‍has been ‍good surprise.

When you consider​ what’s happening ⁤around ⁢the world it’s ‍a remarkable‌ thing we⁣ have ‍employment at 3%. ​And ⁤half a million‌ new⁣ jobs ​have been created.

The Reserve‌ Bank’s ⁤incoming⁢ governor ⁤said⁣ last month⁣ that the⁢ unemployment​ rate needed to be around ⁣4. 5% for‌ the economy to be at a ⁣sustainable ⁤point.

The treasurer‍ said​ there’s a big⁣ difference ​between a ⁣technical⁤ definition and broader ‍aspirations ⁣–⁢ the ​objective ​of ​the​ government ⁢is ​to ⁣create well-paid jobs ​“for everyone who⁣ wants”.

Updated at 17.57 EDT24m ‌ago17.36 EDTWelcome

Good‍ morning everyone!

Here ⁣are the‍ stories around⁢ this morning:

My colleague ⁢Amy ‌Remeikis⁢ has‍ the ⁣story on treasurer Jim Chalmers’ inaugural​ national well-being framework – which⁢ paints ⁣a ‌picture ⁣of ⁣a‌ population feeling stressed.⁤ But‌ it’s not ⁤all​ bad​ news‍ –⁤ I’ll bring you more on that in a minute.

Stand-in skipper Steph Catley‍ insists the ‍Matildas‍ can…

2023-07-20 ⁤16:44:07
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