Last November, Cisco announced the layoffs that occurred this week

Last November, Cisco announced the layoffs that occurred this week

Networking giant Cisco‍ Systems⁢ is laying off staff⁢ again, employees ⁤reported on social media ‌this week. ⁢While ​the‍ employees saw this as a⁢ fresh ‌round of layoffs, Cisco‌ said it​ was ⁢just enacting plans announced in November 2022. 

Cisco confirmed to Computerworld that there was​ a round of layoffs this week but said they⁣ were part of the ​4,100 job‌ cuts ⁤it had ⁢previously announced. 

“These ‌recent notifications are part of the rebalancing effort we began⁣ in November⁤ 2022,‌ which included a limited ⁣restructuring impacting our​ real estate portfolio and approximately ⁣5% ​of ‍our workforce,” ‍a Cisco spokesperson⁢ said. 

Last November, despite posting‌ record quarterly revenue⁣ of ‌$13.6 billion, Cisco⁤ announced it would be laying ⁢off around 5% of its ⁣83,000 workers.

The company said then that it was restructuring ⁣in order‍ to ​rebalance‌ the organization and enable further ‍investment in key priority areas.

“Don’t think ​of⁣ this⁤ as a headcount action that is​ motivated ‌by cost savings.⁢ This really is a rebalancing,” CFO Scott⁣ Herren said⁤ then. 

A‌ Cisco spokesperson ‌reiterated that⁣ line on Thursday.

“As ⁤we announced then,⁢ this is not about cost savings as ‍we ⁣have roughly the same ​number​ of employees as ‌we did ⁤before ‌the process began,” ⁢the spokesperson​ said. “This rebalancing is about ‍prioritizing investments in our transformation,⁤ to meet ⁤and‌ exceed our customers’ expectations in the changing ⁤technology⁤ landscape.”

The spokesperson ‌said the company will continue⁣ doing⁤ everything possible to ‌help place‌ affected employees‌ in ⁣open roles‍ and⁢ offer extensive support, including generous severance⁤ packages. 

Disgruntled​ employees ⁤react

For ‍the employees affected, it ‌makes little​ difference whether⁣ this ⁣is a fresh round of layoffs or⁢ one announced ‌previously: they’re still losing their ⁣jobs. 

A Cisco ‍employee in ‌Bangalore told Computerworld⁢ that​ colleagues there⁢ had been⁣ laid‌ off. 

“There were certain‍ employees laid off‍ and there are speculations of more as well. As of what we are​ aware, these will ‍be⁢ across ​the​ different business units and ⁢will include engineers, and security engineers,” the employee said,‌ requesting anonymity. 

The employee said ‌that the ‌layoffs began globally with several‌ high-level directors being awarded⁣ the pink ​slip. 

“We‍ are ⁣not really aware if the layoffs are ​part ⁢of the fresh round ‌or those announced earlier. For an employee, it is a plain layoff, a⁤ loss ‌of employment⁣ and income. With ‌the current job market scenario and the layoff there‍ is ‌a ​sense of scare‍ and panic ‌among employees,” the ⁣employee said, ⁤adding that the reason being⁢ given for ​the layoffs is a restructuring ⁤plan. 

There is​ no definitive number ⁢for how ‌many employees have been let go‌ in the ⁣current wave,‍ or how many ‌more will be.

Globally, too, Cisco employees​ have been confirming layoffs on social ​media. 

According to anonymous​ career messaging‍ site‌ Blind, employees in the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), Cisco…

2023-07-20 ‌16:48:02
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