Lab Monkey Shortage in America

Lab Monkey Shortage in America

America ⁢has a shortage of lab ⁤monkeys‍

AMERICAN⁣ AUTHORITIES ⁣arrested ⁤Masphal Kry, ‌an ⁣official in Cambodia’s forestry⁣ administration,⁣ last ⁢November when he was heading to​ an‌ international ‌meeting‍ about trade regulations for‌ endangered species‍ in Panama. Prosecutors​ accused‍ him of conspiring with a smuggling ⁤ring.⁤ The contraband: monkeys, specifically long-tailed‍ macaques. His gang ‌allegedly grabbed wild macaques in Cambodia’s ​national parks and​ bribed⁣ officials to label ‍them‌ as captive-bred. Fake‍ papers allowed Vanny Bio⁤ Research, a ‌Cambodian ‍pharma company, to ship these unfortunate primates ​to America for use‌ in research.‌ Mr‍ Kry is facing trial‌ in Florida’s Southern‌ District Court.

The ⁢federal ⁣government funds seven‌ National Primate‍ Research⁣ Centres‍ (NPRCs), ⁢which house in‍ total around 20,000 primates, macaques ‌but also baboons and marmosets. ⁣These centres then⁢ award primates ⁤to labs​ across America. NPRCs⁢ have‌ fulfilled ⁢only a‌ third of requests ‌for untested-on‍ macaques in‍ 2021 and prices have​ soared. Before the covid-19 ​pandemic a‍ rhesus⁤ macaque cost $8,000; by 2022 they had hit $24,000.​ Another species, ‍long-tailed macaques,⁣ is probably per pound⁤ currently the ‍most expensive‌ traded wildlife, says Lisa‍ Jones-Engel, ‍a science adviser at PETA,‍ an⁣ animal-rights group.

Getting lab monkeys from abroad‍ became harder during the ​pandemic. Chinese authorities banned the export of all primates⁤ in⁣ early 2020. The Chinese ⁣government‌ wanted to ⁢suppress the⁣ country’s ‌wildlife trade,‍ which is thought to encourage the ​transmission of pathogens—like sars-cov-2—from animals‌ to humans. Chinese labs also ⁤need monkeys to achieve ⁣the Communist Party’s goal of China becoming ⁤a world ‍leader in neuroscience by 2025.

2023-07-06 ⁣06:54:57
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