King says Qatar’s invasive body search of women influenced decision to deny extra flights in Australia politics live

From 52m agoKey events40m agoTell the ⁤government what’s wrong with air lines52m agoKing says invasive body searches ‘factor’ in decision on Qatar Airways flight rejections53m agoCatherine King press ⁣conference1h agoGood​ morning1h agoAlbanese to meet Chinese premier Li Qiang in⁢ Jakarta1h agoWelcomeFilters BETAKey events (6)Catherine King⁢ (6)Canberra (4)Australia (4)Qatar (4)Qatar Airways (3)21s ago17.59 EDT

It is also threatened species‍ day, so there will be a lot of​ cute animals who ​are in danger of being wiped out of existence being shown today.

Following the Swift⁢ Parrot, Tanya ‍Plibersek has also made an announcement about the Maugean Skate which is an ancient fish found only in Tasmania’s Macquarie ​Harbour – and there are only about 1,000 of ‍them left in the wild.

$2.1m is being spent to try and ‌save it – which will include ‌a captive breeding program as ‌an ‘insurance policy’.

The fish is⁢ currently listed ⁣as ‘endangered’ but that is under review (to critically endangered) after⁣ the Bathurst harbour⁣ population was lost.

Low oxygen levels because of poor water quality is one ⁣of the biggest issues impacting ‍the Maugean‍ Skate, as ⁤well ‍as ⁣getting accidentally caught in‌ fishing nets.

Plibersek said a​ lot of groups will have⁣ to come together, including the‍ salmon industry, to save the fish:

We know the key threats remain poor water quality in ⁤Macquarie Harbour from⁤ aquaculture, hydro operations and climate change. Our Government is committed to doing what we can ‍to assist, ⁣and we urge the salmon​ industry and Tasmanian Government to⁣ take the action needed to clean up Macquarie Harbour so the Maugean Skate can survive for another⁤ 100 ⁢million years. We will cooperate wherever possible to get the ⁣best results, including continuing work through the Maugean Skate Recovery Team.

11m ‍ago17.49 EDT

Bushfire survivors urge climate‌ action

Members of the group Bushfire Survivors for⁢ Climate Action are holding a ⁣press conference at Parliament​ House today, having travelled from New South⁤ Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

The group want⁣ to​ raise the alarm about the dangers of the coming fire season, given the likely El Niño summer.

Updated⁤ at 17.52 EDT20m ago17.39 EDT

Given the issue ‌this‌ concrete has caused ⁣in ⁤the UK, and how wide spread the use‍ of ⁢this cheap concrete ⁢was after the war, this is absolutely an issue⁤ to ​keep⁤ an eye on.

Authorities in Australia urgently checking if AAC ‘crumbly concrete’ poses risk‍ to buildingsRead moreUpdated​ at 17.40 EDT31m ago17.29 EDT

Recovery plan for critically endangered swift parrot announced

Tanya Plibersek⁤ has announced a recovery plan to boost the long-term survival of the critically endangered swift parrot.

Lisa Cox ​has been ​writing about the need to save the parrot for​ years ​– it remains critically​ endangered and there are only about 750 ⁤mature ​birds in the wild, despite once being found ‍widely across eastern⁤ Australia.

Logging⁢ ‘destroying’ swift parrot habitat as ⁤government delays‍ actionRead more

2023-09-06 16:40:25
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