Kevin O’Leary, known as “Mr. Wonderful” from ABC’s Shark Tank, recently shared his investment strategy on LinkedIn, highlighting the importance of cash-flowing investments in a diversified portfolio. O’Leary disclosed that the majority of his family’s wealth is invested in ETFs, specifically focusing on quality dividends and positive cash flow.
In a recent post, O’Leary mentioned, “A few years ago, I sold my ETF company to Alps, a major player in the ETF market. It’s called O’Shares, where my family’s wealth is invested. OUSA is part of the S&P 500, selecting the highest quality balance sheets with positive cash flow from a selection of 100 out of 500 companies. Then there’s OUSM, which targets the Russell 2000 and eliminates underperformers - companies that are not generating significant profits.”
O’Leary’s focus on cash flow serves as a reminder that while high-risk, high-reward investments have their place, a balanced portfolio with steady cash flow is essential for long-term financial success.
2024-04-09 10:51:09
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