Kentucky’s Democratic governor poised for re-election

Kentucky’s Democratic governor poised for re-election

Why Kentucky’s Democratic​ governor is heading for re-election

ASKED TO DESCRIBE the politics⁢ of ​Kentucky, ‌many would default​ to calling it Trump ‌country. And they⁤ would have‌ many ‍points in their​ favour. But others⁣ object. “It’s ⁤Beshear country!” yells Steve Beshear, the​ state’s Democratic governor between 2007 and 2015, unzipping his bomber jacket to show a t-shirt emblazoned with the⁣ slogan for‍ dramatic effect. He, too, ⁤has a point. On a wet⁢ Saturday morning in Lexington he was the warm-up act for his son, Andy Beshear, the sitting‍ Democratic governor of the state, who is running⁤ for re-election⁤ on ‌November 7th. Incredibly for a state‍ that went for ​Mr Trump by‌ 26 percentage points⁢ in 2020, current polls make ‍Beshear ⁤the Younger the ‌favourite.

As in Appalachia⁤ and the‍ American South, Democrats once⁢ swept Kentucky. In⁤ recent elections, Democrats have ⁤managed to convince themselves that one ⁤of their number has a‌ chance of winning a prominent statewide race, and then raise ⁣fabulous sums of money,⁢ only to⁤ face a drubbing ‍at the⁢ ballot box. Thus ‌in‍ 2020​ Amy McGrath, a serially unsuccessful Democratic ⁢candidate, raised ‌$90m ⁢in ‍her race to ⁢unseat the Republican senator Mitch ⁢McConnell—only to​ lose by 20 points. ‍Yet the‌ state has spent more years this century being ⁣governed by ‌a Democrat than by a Republican.⁤ And it⁢ may now ⁤be ⁣in for⁣ another four years of‌ the same.

That should be​ instructive for ​Democrats.⁢ Both Beshear père and fils have managed to keep⁢ an arm’s-length relationship with presidents of their own party. They have done so ⁤by touting the economic benefits of federal spending. Despite the unpopularity of ⁤Obamacare, the elder ‌Beshear⁤ pushed through an expansion‌ to Medicaid, the​ health-insurance⁣ programme for‌ the poor, and a⁢ state-run insurance exchange (which Republicans are no longer campaigning to undo). The⁣ younger Beshear touts private-sector investments spurred on by the‌ Inflation Reduction⁤ Act, ⁢a big subsidy bill, even as he ‍murmurs…

2023-11-02 09:17:57
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