John Yems: Backlash follows discovering that soccer supervisor who used ‘offensive, racist and Islamophobic’ language is ‘not a aware racist’

John Yems: Backlash follows discovering that soccer supervisor who used ‘offensive, racist and Islamophobic’ language is ‘not a aware racist’


Anti-racism teams and England’s Football Association (FA) are denouncing an impartial panel’s discovering {that a} British soccer supervisor who used “offensive, racist and Islamophobic” language is “not a conscious racist.”

Former Crawley Town FC supervisor John Yems was accused of creating at the very least 16 offensive feedback between 2019 and 2022, with every remark together with “a reference to ethnic origin and/or colour and/or race and/or nationality and/or religion or belief and/or gender,” stated the FA, English soccer’s governing physique.

An impartial Regulatory Commission appointed by the FA investigated and suspended Yems from all soccer and football-related exercise for 18 months as much as and together with June 1, 2024, for 12 breaches of FA guidelines, the group stated in an announcement on January 6. He had been suspended from teaching duties in April pending the regulatory…

2023-01-19 09:03:12 John Yems: Backlash follows discovering that soccer supervisor who used ‘offensive, racist and Islamophobic’ language is ‘not a aware racist’
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