Joe Biden’s Middle East Plans Thwarted by Hamas’s Devastation

Joe Biden’s Middle East Plans Thwarted by Hamas’s Devastation

Hamas’s ⁤carnage upends‍ Joe Biden’s‌ plans for the Middle ‍East

“THE MIDDLE EAST region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.”​ The words of Jake⁢ Sullivan, America’s national security adviser, have‌ come ​back to‌ mock him. Just eight days ⁣after he⁣ uttered them on September 29th, Hamas’s ‍slaughter of​ Israelis and ⁣others confronts ‍President Joe ⁤Biden with an acute ⁣Middle ⁣Eastern crisis atop the chronic ‍one in Ukraine ‍and⁤ a looming one‍ over Taiwan.

One immediate concern for his national-security team⁢ is to establish ​how many Americans ​have been killed​ (nine so⁢ far confirmed dead) or taken hostage (unknown). A second is to control the possible shockwaves​ across the region. On October ‍8th the Pentagon announced that a carrier strike group ⁣led ⁢by the USS Gerald Ford would steam to ⁣waters off Israel. Air-force squadrons in the Middle East would be reinforced, and arms supplies‍ would be dispatched to Israel within days. These moves were intended “to strengthen the⁤ US military posture in the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts,” the ⁣Pentagon said.

For Martin⁣ Indyk, a former American ‍ambassador to ⁢Israel, this amounts to a “Kissingerian move” intended to reinforce Israel’s deterrence ⁣and give substance to Mr Biden’s warning to Iran⁣ and its proxies:⁤ “This is not a moment for any party hostile​ to Israel to exploit these attacks.” Still, committing American forces to fight alongside Israel is a remote possibility, ‌short ​of a regional conflagration.

2023-10-09 ⁣12:18:04

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