Joe Biden’s chances of re-election are in jeopardy

Joe Biden’s chances of re-election are in jeopardy

Joe Biden’s re-election bid ⁤is in trouble

The front-runner for the Republican presidential⁤ nomination ⁣is under indictment for​ 91 felonies in four criminal⁣ cases, and he probably is, as one of his primary opponents remarked during the recent Republican debate, the most disliked politician in​ America. Democrats have⁤ reason to be smug at the prospect of Donald Trump as the ⁢Republican nominee—unless they take a⁢ hard look at the vulnerabilities ⁣of their own standard-bearer.

Fewer than⁣ one in four Americans (24%) want President Joe Biden‍ to run again, according to a poll published on August 17th by the ⁣Associated Press. Even ⁤55%​ of Democrats do not think‌ he should run. Although his approval ​rating has ticked up, he remains one‍ of ⁢the most⁤ unpopular presidents in modern history.

Mr Biden’s problems are obscured‌ by the drama around Donald Trump’s arrests and the Republican nominating ​contest. But that is also becoming ⁣a problem⁢ for the current president: he needs to capture the country’s attention⁤ if he hopes to recapture its imagination. Only Jimmy Carter and ‍Donald Trump himself—both one-term presidents, at least ⁤so far—had net-negative ratings worse than ⁤Mr Biden’s at this point in their presidencies, according to​ an analysis of aggregated polls by the political publication FiveThirtyEight. ⁤In late August, its summary of public‍ polls showed that 42% of Americans approved of the ⁢job Mr Biden was ⁣doing, whereas 53% disapproved.

2023-08-31 04:17:49
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