Japan’s Triumph: Government Declares Victory in the Battle Against Floppy Disks

Japan’s Triumph: Government Declares Victory in the Battle Against Floppy Disks

On June 28, ​2024, Japan​ made a historic decision by officially phasing ​out the use of floppy ⁤disks ‌ across​ all government systems.

The Minister ⁣of Digital Transformation, Taro Kono, proudly declared ⁢the “triumph over floppy disks”, symbolizing the end ⁣of an ⁣era dominated by ⁤these outdated storage devices.

This move marked⁣ the culmination of⁢ extensive ‍efforts to modernize Japan’s bureaucratic processes. In a significant ⁤step, over ‍ 1000 regulatory acts ‍were abolished, eliminating⁢ the requirement for​ floppy disks‌ in data management for ‌both government agencies and citizens.

While the use of fax machines remains untouched in the current plans, previous attempts to introduce more contemporary communication methods ⁤faced opposition from officials.

Article from www.playground.ru

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