Japan’s Innovative SLIM Lunar Lander Successfully Reaches the Moon, Facing Limited Lifespan

Japan’s Innovative SLIM Lunar Lander Successfully Reaches the Moon, Facing Limited Lifespan

Japan has ⁣achieved⁤ a significant milestone by becoming the fifth country to‍ successfully ​land on the moon. The⁤ SLIM lander has confirmed its safe descent to the lunar surface. ⁤However, its mission is facing a potential setback as it is experiencing issues with its solar cell, rendering it⁣ unable to generate electricity. This poses a threat to the⁣ longevity⁣ of its mission, with the battery expected to last only a ⁤few ‍more hours.

Despite the solar cell problem, JAXA has confirmed that SLIM ​made a soft landing and has been able to establish communication with Earth. ⁤While the spacecraft is currently operating on a low battery, there is hope that it ‍could start charging once the position ⁢of the sun changes, potentially resolving the issue.

For ‍more details, you can visit ​the source here.

Source: www.engadget.com

Date: 2024-01-19 14:54:31

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