More Airports to Use Greener ‘Glide’ Approach to Landing

More Airports to Use Greener ‘Glide’ Approach to Landing

Glide Approach

More Airports to Use Greener Glide Approach to Landing

Air travel is not often associated with being eco-friendly, but with increasing concerns about carbon emissions more airports are now looking for ways to reduce environmental impact. One such way is to switch from the conventional powered landing technique to the greener Glide Approach to Landing.

What Is the Glide Approach to Landing?

The Glide Approach to Landing is a technique where aircraft are able to reach the runway without power, instead of relying on the engines to reduce altitude and speed. This is achieved by changing the aircraft’s flight path, creating more time for the aircraft to slow down gradually.

The Benefits of Glide Approach to Landing

The Glide Approach to Landing offers some valuable environmental benefits:

Airports Utilizing Glide Approach to Landing

Many airports have already started to implement the Glide Approach to Landing, with more expected to follow in years to come. These include:


The Glide Approach to Landing is proving to be a popular and practical way of reducing carbon emissions in the aviation industry. While it is still in the early stages of being adopted by airports around the world, it is certainly a step in the right direction for reducing environmental impact.
As interest in eco-friendly green technology continues to grow, airports across the globe are now looking for new ways to reduce their impact on the environment. One promising new approach is the ‘Glide’ approach to landing, an energy-saving technique which has been successfully used in countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany since 2006.

The ‘Glide’ approach to landing involves aircraft being flown towards the ground without engines at an optimal angle. This angle is determined by the aircraft’s weight, its speed and the wind direction. This technique reduces the amount of fuel required for the aircraft to make a safe descent and landing, resulting in less emissions and a greener approach to air travel.

The environmental benefits of the ‘Glide’ approach have been apparent for some time, leading to its adoption by airports around the world. In the United States, the Los Angeles International Airport has recently implemented the procedure and is the first American airport to do so. In Europe, the number of airports using the technique is growing, with Glidescope installations now present at major hubs such as Heathrow, Amsterdam Schiphol and Berlin’s Tegel.

The use of the ‘Glide’ approach also provides cost savings for airlines and airports. As the aircraft does not have to use its engines to make a pre-programmed descent, fuel costs are reduced and the wear and tear on the aircraft engines is reduced. This can result in significant cost savings over time, as well as reduced emissions.

Overall, the ‘Glide’ approach is a promising new technique which can reduce the environmental impact of air travel. As more and more airports recognize this, the hope is that this greener landing approach will become the norm in the aviation industry.

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