The rise of anime on a global scale has been significantly propelled by a surge in streaming during the pandemic, showcasing the increasing popularity of this art form worldwide. Japan, renowned for its iconic creations like “Dragon Ball” and ”Super Mario”, aims to expand its reach in the international market for video games, manga, and anime, with a target of $130 billion in exports by 2033.
The Japanese government views the creative industries as key drivers of economic growth, comparable to traditional sectors like steel and semiconductors. In 2022, the combined revenue from Japan’s gaming, anime, and manga industries from overseas reached $30 billion, rivaling the earnings from microchip exports.
Anime and manga have become cultural ambassadors for Japan, attracting a diverse global audience, particularly the younger generation. The success of franchises like “Demon Slayer” and the emergence of Vtubers have further enhanced Japan’s soft power on the international stage.
To achieve its ambitious economic goals, Japan plans to leverage the growth of these industries alongside sectors like fashion, cosmetics, and tourism. Additionally, the government is intensifying efforts to combat piracy, which threatens the legitimate distribution of anime and manga globally.
By strengthening measures against piracy websites and promoting legal channels for content consumption, Japan aims to secure its position as a leading exporter of cultural assets, fostering a sustainable and thriving creative economy.
2024-06-06 11:51:02
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