Japan Aims to Create a Military Metaverse for Battlefield Technology Dominance

Japan Aims to Create a Military Metaverse for Battlefield Technology Dominance

Japan is pushing for a high-tech⁤ defense strategy. In photo: Japan’s​ Air Self-Defense Force’s⁤ F-2 fighters hold a joint ‍military drill with U.S. B-1B bombers and ⁤F-16 fighters.


Weaponization of emerging​ technologies drives​ Japan’s interest ‌in military metaverse: ASU’s Braden R. AllenbyDeception in ⁢defense metaverse a ​’legitimate’ military tactic: ⁣Atlantic​ Council’s Thammy⁤ EvansJapan⁣ is also looking to ‍bolster drone technology, satellite analysis and cyberdefense⁣ training

Japan is speeding up the development of⁢ cutting​ edge defense ⁤technology amid a roiled geopolitical environment — and a military metaverse just may be​ the “most effective” tool for the Japanese armed forces to prepare to take on their enemies.

The Japanese government’s Defense Technology Guidelines 2023 released June⁢ pointed to the need to adjust to‌ the changing technologies of modern warfare and‌ noted 12 key priorities for​ around 200 companies unofficially selected to participate⁢ in the country’s defense ⁢tech drive.

Notably, these include “visualization of invisible things” and “capabilities that make virtual/imaginary information as real things.” In upcoming meetings⁣ with companies joining the initiative, the government is expected to discuss the creation of a metaverse to deceive opponents.

Braden⁢ R. Allenby, president’s ⁤professor at the Arizona State University’s school of Sustainable Engineering and Built Environment in‍ Civil ​Engineering, told International Business Times that Japan’s interest in ​creating a military metaverse was not surprising, given ⁢the “concomitant weaponization of⁤ many non-traditional technologies.”

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“Creating⁤ misleading ‘realities’‌ at different scales can be ‍the most effective way to neutralize ⁣an adversary’s ⁣attacks,” Allenby said. Along with Joel Garreau, Allenby observed in 2017 that “weaponized narrative (an attack that uses confusion, complexity ⁣and political or social schisms to ⁤undermine‍ an enemy’s will) is the new battlespace.”

Defense analyst Jennifer McArdle‍ and CEO ​of Tangram Flex⁢ Caitlin Dohrman ‌wrote in War On​ The Rocks last year that a military metaverse has many possible⁤ applications, including high-tech education of troops, immersive ⁤recruitment, and potentially improving ⁤interoperability across defense and security communities.

The use‌ of⁢ deception is “a long standing military art,” Thammy Evans, a⁣ non-resident senior​ fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Geotech Center, told IBT. Such a concept infused ⁢into a defense metaverse is a “legitimate” military tactic ‍that can be used to divert an attack, ​not ⁣only protecting Japanese troops but also civilians.

The most ‌popular success story that utilized deception in the military was Operation Fortitude during World War II, when Allied armies set up fake military buildings and used inflatable​ tanks⁤ and dummy landing craft ⁣to deceive ‍Nazi Germany’s forces.

Security‌ experts found ⁢in ‍a 2019 deception study,⁢ “Immersive Virtual Reality Attacks⁢ and the Human Joystick,” that it was possible to​ exploit virtual‍ reality systems “to control ​immersed users and move them to⁣ a location in⁣ a physical space without their knowledge.” The researchers coined‌ the term “Human Joystick ‍Attack” to describe the said scenario.

The researchers, who included cyber forensics ​expert Ibrahim “Abe” Baggili, were able ⁢to overlay‌ images in the‌ field⁤ of vision of participants ⁢without their knowledge, and even modified VR ​environmental factors​ that forced ​the participants to hit‍ physical objects and walls.

Baggili told IBT ‌that Japan can ‍use deception ⁢in various ways virtually. For example, troops can utilize “subversion” for the purpose of changing an outcome in an opponent’s decision-making. “By leveraging virtual reality, they may also be able to mimic people⁤ (or perhaps important figures) in‌ the‌ real ⁤world” through some form⁤ of AI or generative AI.‌ In turn, the said mimicry can make users believe a ⁢specific message⁤ or something untrue about the impersonated figures.

But he clarified that the metaverse remains a “theory.” While​ virtual ⁤reality and augmented reality applications already exist, there are still many hurdles along the way before a metaverse for various sectors, such as defense,‌ is achieved.

Tokyo will ​need ‌to ​match or ‘over‌ match’ the PLASSF

Aside from creating a defense metaverse to apply deception, ⁢it appears Japan ‌is also looking ‌to improve drone technology, satellite communications analysis ⁣and ⁢cyberdefense training⁢ as indicated by some of the companies in the initial list.

Japan’s focus on specific areas of defense technology is driven by lessons being ‍learned from the Russian war in⁤ Ukraine, Evans⁣ said. Unmanned‌ aerial vehicles (UAVs), cyber warfare for both offense and defense, and distributed ⁣autonomous associations‌ (DAOs) are just a few of the manifestations of a “changing character ⁢of warfare.”

Furthermore, the crucial role of satellite communication technology was highlighted in the ⁢Ukraine war by Elon Musk’s Starlink system, Allenby said.

With all the changes to modern ​warfare ⁢being induced by the war ⁤in Ukraine and ​aggressive postures by Tokyo’s traditional opponents⁣ North Korea, ⁣Russia and China, Japan had to prepare itself for challenges related to a weaponized narrative ‌and⁤ cognitive warfare,​ Allenby, who wrote ‘The Applied ⁣Ethics of Emerging⁣ Military‍ and Security‍ Technologies,’​ added.

Atlantic Council’s Evans addedt hat Japan’s defense tech efforts are ​also being ‍driven by Beijing’s People’s ‌Liberation Army Strategic Support Force ​(PLASSF), which has been growing its technological and digital capabilities. Tokyo⁣ will need to either match or “over match” the PLASSF ⁤if it gets ⁢caught up in disputes in the region; like, for instance, Beijing’s territorial ‍dispute in ​the South China Sea.

President ‌Xi Jinping has said the⁢ Chinese military will continue to ‍integrate smart⁣ technologies ‍to improve modernization and “speed up the ‌development of unmanned, intelligent ​combat capabilities.”

As China pursues smart⁣ technologies, automation has become‍ another key priority for Tokyo. Cyber attacks are becoming more and more common in the world of modern conflict and ‍AI-powered ​automation could be crucial‌ in diverting especially sophisticated attacks from China and other cyber ​powers.

Japanese Navy’s Mogami-class frigate boasts a stealthy design and features a high level of⁢ automation in ‍an attempt to address manpower constraints.⁤ It can operate unmanned underwater and surface⁣ vehicles and ‍incorporates augmented reality tech⁢ for⁢ navigation.

Tokyo is keen on speeding up the process ⁤of achieving cutting-edge security technology, but challenges are expected, considering how the government will want high quality yet ​cost-effective equipment.

There’s also the issue of adapting to ‌the level ​and⁢ speed that Tokyo ⁣wants, especially with China’s⁢ fast evolving defense ⁢tech. “Traditional ways of ​contracting for ⁣military products – ‘here’s the ⁢contract, now do it’⁤ – ​will need to shift⁣ to ⁣’China just developed this ⁢capability,⁢ so we need to change⁤ this,'” Allenby ⁤noted.

Policies and permissions shouldn’t be taken off the equation, Evans said. While companies involved⁢ in the program may easily build hardware ‌and equipment, regulations that come ​with the ‌use of such defense tech tools usually ‍pose a greater challenge and the Japanese government will have to ensure interoperable standards‌ are met ‌in a timely​ manner.

Japan’s ​fiscal 2023 defense budget stands at 6.8 trillion yen‍ (about $46.6 billion), which ⁣Tokyo says is ⁣27.4%⁤ higher than last year. A total of 3.3% will be dedicated ⁤to research and development investments into advanced technology, which is 3.1 times more than the amount in the previous year.


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