JAMF Reveals the Top 5 Changes at JNUC 2023

JAMF Reveals the Top 5 Changes at JNUC 2023

Heads-up, Apple-in-the-enterprise admins. One of the biggest ⁢annual events for Apple⁤ IT professionals, Jamf Nation User Conference, rolled around this ⁢week in Austin, TX.

Led by new‍ CEO John Strosahl, the⁢ company offered up a​ range of announcements, improvements, and insights from third-party presenters, including Cisco CIO Fletcher​ Previn. ​Michael⁤ Covington, Jamf vice president of portfolio strategy, discussed the advance‍ of the Mac into the enterprise space, and stressed how his company’s solutions help provide the kind​ of digital business‍ stability — even for‌ remote ‌enterprises​ — that businesses need⁢ today.

Here are the highlights of this year’s‍ event.

Macs are good ​for business

Previn is‌ famous for‌ his work ⁣launching a highly successful company-wide employee choice scheme⁤ when he was at IBM. That effort  proved that ⁤Macs save money and boost⁣ engagement‌ and productivity. He returned to​ JNUC to share his experience at Cisco, where 60% of employees now use Macs (and 24% of PC users switch platforms when they ⁤get the chance to upgrade).

Based on Cisco data drawn from across⁤ a 130,000-strong workforce, he detailed why it’s shrewd business to go Mac:

Macs are up ⁣to $395 ⁣per‍ machine cheaper to run than PCs.
Sales teams using Macs outperform ⁣PC counterparts with 9.8% more deals.
Software engineers generated 11.5% more code⁤ on ‍a ⁣Mac.
Employees using Macs and iPhones‍ had 83% IT satisfaction.
And Mac users see⁣ almost five times fewer cyberthreats⁤ —‌ and nine ⁢times fewer ⁤virus issues ‍— than PCs.
Jamf Pro ⁤11 ⁢gains usability and more

The‍ pride of the company’s portfolio, Jamf Pro, is thesomething Apple administrators use every ⁤day. Announced at the event,⁤ Jamf Pro 11 sports an easier-to-navigate user ⁢interface, better accessibility tools, ​new ‌shortcuts⁣ to get ⁢to the ⁣most popular workflows, and ‍built-in support for⁣ Apple’s Declarative Device Management (DDM).

The latter makes⁣ for significant improvements in software update management ​workflows. Devices could defer updates before,‍ which meant admins had ‌to pursue users to upgrade —⁤ particularly when handling ​security challenges. With DDM ⁤support now in Jamf Pro, administrators⁣ can specify a date and time for updates, ⁣ensuring successful execution while promptly‍ notifying end users.

That means IT can schedule ⁢and enforce the installation of software updates on managed devices, including Apple’s⁣ Rapid Security ‌Response upgrades.

For new users, the onboarding system is now‌ more ‍transparent so new hires can‍ see what’s ⁤going on; the company ⁤also streamlined its ‍support for user enrollment ⁢and single ⁣sign-on.

Generative AI comes to⁢ Apple IT

For‍ many, generative AI feels‌ like ​it burst onto ⁣the ⁣scene‍ at the beginning of ‍2023. Today, most companies, including Apple, are exploring the technology. Jamf is ​no different and is using ‍this kind of AI to​ help ‍power its support services.

The idea is‍ that Jamf admins can‌ ask‌ it questions and receive answers to help resolve…

2023-10-01 03:24:03
Original from www.computerworld.com rnrn

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