Jamaal Bowman Faces Potential Censure by House Republicans for Fire Alarm Incident

Jamaal Bowman Faces Potential Censure by House Republicans for Fire Alarm Incident

Republicans in the US House appeared​ on track on Thursday to ‌formally ⁣censure the New⁣ York Democrat Jamaal ‌Bowman for pulling a fire alarm in a congressional‌ office building.

A resolution​ passed ⁤a vote on Wednesday,⁣ 216-201 with one Democrat,‌ Susan Wild of ‍Pennsylvania, a ⁣member of ‌the House ethics committee, voting present.

Bowman was caught on surveillance video pulling the alarm on 30​ September, as a vote loomed during efforts‍ to‌ avoid a government shutdown. ⁢He said he did so accidentally. Critics⁣ claimed he was trying to delay the vote.

Bowman pleaded ‍guilty to a misdemeanour, under Washington DC law, and agreed to pay a $1,000 fine, the maximum applicable.

As‍ a prominent progressive in Congress, Bowman has long presented ‌a tempting target for rightwing anger.

Last week, the ⁣New York ‍Republican, fabulist and⁣ accused fraudster ⁢George Santos introduced ‌a motion ⁤to expel Bowman,‍ a parting shot on his own way out of ‍the building, as ⁤he became⁤ only ​the sixth member ever ‌expelled from the House.

The resolution⁤ to⁢ censure Bowman was introduced by Lisa McClain, a Republican‍ from Michigan.

In a statement, McClain ⁣said: “While the House was working tirelessly ‌to avert ​a government shutdown, ⁤Representative Bowman was working nefariously to prevent⁢ a ⁢vote.

“It is reprehensible that ⁣a member⁤ of Congress would⁤ go to such lengths⁣ to ⁢prevent House Republicans from⁢ bringing forth a ​vote to keep the‍ government operating and Americans receiving their⁤ paychecks. Especially from a former schoolteacher, who ⁤without⁣ a doubt understands the function ⁣and severity‍ of pulling ‌a ​fire‍ alarm.”

McClain’s resolution said Bowman should‍ “forthwith present himself in the ‌well of‍ the House of Representatives for the pronouncement of censure, [to] be‍ censured with the public reading of this⁣ resolution by the‌ speaker”.

Speaking on the House floor, Bowman said: “I immediately took⁢ responsibility and accountability for my actions and pled guilty. Immediately. Republicans ‌are⁤ here trying to rehash⁣ an‌ already litigated matter.”

Jim McGovern, a Massachusetts Democrat, called the resolution “profoundly stupid” and added: “Under Republican ‌control,⁢ this chamber has become a place⁣ where​ trivial issues‍ get debated passionately, and important ones not ⁤at all.”

2023-12-07 10:43:08
Original from www.theguardian.com

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