IT: A Crucial Skill for Achieving Business Success at BCU

IT: A Crucial Skill for Achieving Business Success at BCU

There’s a standing joke in the‍ executive team at BCU that every strategy or initiative built to service the Credit Union’s 350,000-plus members runs ⁤through IT.

Whether it’s maintaining uptime, rolling out digital banking and payment⁢ services,⁢ or⁢ delivering ​seamless⁤ customer experiences, the 77-person-and-growing IT organization is at the epicenter of BCU’s business strategy and innovation, making it a dynamic and rewarding place ‌to pursue an ⁢IT career.

And the results are‌ no joke: The team oversaw 150 successful projects in the past year, the two most notable being a conversion of a legacy monolithic middleware environment⁣ into a ‍modern microservices architecture, plus the transition⁤ to a full agile value ‍stream ‌methodology for project delivery. Both initiatives enable the IT organization to be more responsive to fast-changing business​ strategy and the​ needs of its members and employees.

“The lines have blurred between ⁢IT and the business‍ driving overall ⁢business strategy,” says Scott Zulpo, senior vice president and‍ chief technology ‍officer at BCU, ‍which ranks⁣ No. 4 among⁣ small companies in Computerworld’s ⁤“Best Places to Work ⁢in IT 2024” survey. “IT is very strategic to the delivery of business solutions back to our members⁣ — it’s considered a core competency ⁤for the [Credit Union’s] success.”

An emphasis on well-being, ‍in and out ⁤of the office

BCU believes that employee well-being⁣ is essential ‍to its success, and postpandemic it operates with⁣ a flexible work model‍ that ⁣lets ‌employees work where they work best. Unlike other hybrid models that mandate specific weekly in-office ⁢days, BCU has no such guidelines. IT personnel local ‌to the ‍Credit Union’s headquarters are ​encouraged​ to ‌come‍ into ⁣the office on Wednesdays, with free lunches and barista-made coffee ‌specials as part of the draw.

To ‌support remote workers, BCU ⁤launched an enhanced virtual desktop environment ⁤called “roam,” which delivers access to all⁤ necessary applications,⁣ wherever workers are. There is also a multitude of training and checkpoint ⁤resources designed to foster⁤ productivity. “We have a high level of trust and are goal-oriented, so ​we think it’s important ⁢to build in the flexibility,” Zulpo says. “As long as ⁣we are delivering high-level results, we ​don’t feel we have to manage remote work.”

DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) is a guiding ‌principle at BCU,⁤ and the IT organization has embraced the idea ‌of connecting diverse employees, representing different ⁤parts ‌of the organization, to bond and freely share ideas. Across the IT ‌team, 36% of the staff identifies as part of⁢ a minority group and 32% of IT managers are women — a diverse mix that helps bring different perspectives for building and optimizing⁢ a great ⁤member⁤ experience, Zulpo ​says. Companywide ⁣employee⁣ resource groups (ERGs) have been established to build community ⁢among Asian, LatinX,‍ women, and African American groups in addition…

2023-11-27 10:41:03
Article from rnrn

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