Israeli Soldiers in Jerusalem’s Old City Exercise Unrestrained Power over Palestinians

Israeli Soldiers in Jerusalem’s Old City Exercise Unrestrained Power over Palestinians

Occupied East Jerusalem – Adnan Barq, a quick-witted 23-year-old, skirts around the​ ancient walls of Jerusalem’s Old City, looking for a ​way back home.

He eyes one of the seven guarded gates that line the UNESCO World Heritage Site through a slick pair of dark-rimmed glasses; groups ​of Israeli soldiers⁢ are pacing in front of the arched⁣ entrance, picking out people to stop and frisk.

He doesn’t ‍like what he sees. Flicking his head, ⁢he walks past the gate and up a⁣ main street lined with fruit stalls and busy vendors offering street food.

“It’s about reading the room,” he⁣ quips.

Barq, like many⁤ other Palestinians from the Old City, has ‌grown ⁢used to being harassed when heading ‍back home to the Old City by Israeli soldiers and police over the years.

That was until last week when the Palestinian group Hamas broke out of the besieged Gaza‍ Strip and attacked communities in the south of ‌Israel.

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