Israel launches heavy airstrikes on West Bank refugee camp

Israel launches heavy airstrikes on West Bank refugee camp

This week, the West Bank refugee camp of Jenin was devastated after being attacked for the second time in two weeks. Angry protests in the Middle East over a man’s burning of the Quran in Sweden. And Syria’s normalisation may be at the cost of the victims of its civil war. Here’s the Middle East this week:

It was reminiscent of the year 2002. That’s when Israeli forces last attacked the Jenin refugee camp with as much force as they did this past week. The latest raid lasted two days, killing 12 Palestinians, including at least three children.

Ahmad Abu Hweileh, 56, a resident of the camp, is thankful many young men were spared in the attack. The generation who grew up after the 2002 incursion, he said, are the ones continuing the struggle against the Israeli occupation.

“We lived this in 2002. The most important thing is that the young men are safe,” he said.

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