iPhone 12: Fading Away and Radiating

iPhone 12: Fading Away and Radiating

What’s up⁤ with the iPhone radiation story?​ On the⁤ eve of Apple’s ​big iPhone 15 reveal, France ​demanded the company remove iPhone‍ 12 from sale in ‍that country because it said the product⁢ radiates too much.

Now that demand seems to be spreading across Europe.

What’s happening‌ here?

The⁢ story so far

ANFR, the French agency that regulates these things,​ claims ‍that certain iPhone 12 models emit unacceptable levels of⁢ electromagnetic radiation. ⁢The ⁣regulator​ subsequently ordered ​Apple to halt all sales of that model as of Sept. 12, pending a fix.‍ Apple⁤ denied the‌ claim,​ citing numerous radiation studies of its own, and now promises a software​ patch to ​bring the device into line with French regulations. But ‍questions are now being asked across the EU, ⁤with ⁤Italy, Germany, and​ Belgium ⁣demanding a similar software patch.

With‍ that ‌in mind, it ‍seems important‌ to⁤ note ‍that both the French regulator ⁣and⁣ Apple say there is no danger to public health from the ​radiation.

Which begs the question⁢ as to why a ban on sales is required.

What France said

The French agency claimed the iPhone 12 failed ⁤one of ⁢two⁣ types of tests for radiation. ⁣According to the agency ‍statement, the device exceeded the Specific Absorption Rate⁢ (SAR) value with a 5.74 W/kg ⁣compared to the regulatory ceiling of ⁣4W/kg. The results imply the device generates too much radiation when in your hand or ​pocket.

However, the regulator also⁤ described the problem as being caused by a succession of software updates ⁢since ​the device was originally introduced.

The French digital affairs minister even said the radiation‍ emitted by iPhone 12 is still lower than what scientific studies⁤ see as potentially harmful to people. Incredibly,‍ given all ​the media coverage this has generated, the radiation⁣ agency says​ its tests⁣ don’t even reflect typical smartphone use.

What Apple said

Apple was understandably a little ⁤shocked by the claims,⁣ particularly as they emerged within‌ minutes of it launching the iPhone ‌15.⁣ From the‍ company’s‌ point of view, it ​engages in⁢ a stringent series of tests to ensure new products meet regulations in⁤ every country in which its devices are sold.

“Since⁣ it was ⁣introduced​ in⁣ 2020, iPhone 12 ‌has been‌ certified ‍and recognized‍ as ‌meeting or exceeding all applicable SAR regulations and standards around ⁣the world,” Apple said in a statement ‌following the declaration. ⁢”This is related to a specific testing protocol used by‍ French regulators and not a safety concern. We will ⁢issue a software update for users in France to accommodate the protocol used by French regulators.”

“Apple‌ has assured me that ​it⁢ will implement an update for the iPhone‍ 12 in the next few days,” said digital minister Jean-Noel‍ Barrot.

What ⁢is the problem?

The French decision to order Apple ⁤to cease selling that model of iPhone would‍ have become a blanket ban on sales of the device across all 27 EU member states after three months.

In addition to which, if Apple were unable to⁤ patch its…

2023-09-17 22:48:02
Article from www.computerworld.com

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