Investigation Launched by Iraq into Militia’s Kidnapping of Israeli-Russian Academic

Investigation Launched by Iraq into Militia’s Kidnapping of Israeli-Russian Academic

The Iraqi government has initiated an investigation into the abduction of Israeli-Russian academic Elizabeth Tsurkov.

A government spokesperson stated on Friday that they are awaiting the findings of the inquiry regarding the woman’s kidnapping in March.

Tsurkov disappeared after traveling to Iraq for research purposes on behalf of Princeton University, as confirmed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office on Wednesday.

“Elizabeth Tsurkov is still alive, and we hold Iraq accountable for her safety and well-being,” stated the office.

The Israeli government alleges that Tsurkov is being held captive by the Shia militia Kataib Hezbollah. This group is part of the Hashed al-Shaabi force, which consists of former paramilitaries recently integrated into Iraq’s security forces and maintains ties with Iran.

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