Insights into Venture Capital from America’s Bike-Share Programs

Insights into Venture Capital from America’s Bike-Share Programs

What ‍America’s bike-share schemes tell you about ⁣venture capital

Over ⁣the past decade not ⁢many cities in America have won as many plaudits ​for investing in⁤ bike ⁢infrastructure​ as Minneapolis. Thanks to its extensive network of bike lanes, in 2015 it became the first (and so ⁣far⁢ only) place‌ in America to​ win⁢ a place ⁤on ​the​ Copenhagenize⁣ Index,⁢ a list of‌ the world’s 20 most bicycle-friendly cities. Yet⁢ that was not enough​ to save ‍the ‌city’s 13-year-old docked ⁢bike-share‌ system. In March Lyft,​ the taxi ​firm which operated ‍the⁢ scheme, known as Nice‍ Ride, announced that because⁣ a sponsor had‍ dropped​ out, it would close, and ‍that they would begin removing the⁣ equipment.

Cycling ⁣is booming across⁤ America. Bike-share schemes,⁢ too, ⁢have been thriving. According to the ⁢Bureau ⁢of Transportation Statistics, usage of​ six of the ⁤largest ⁤docked systems nationwide increased by 42%⁤ from ‍March 2020 ⁣to March⁤ 2023. Last⁢ year New Yorkers took just under 30m rides on the ⁣Citi‌ Bike‌ scheme​ there; in⁤ Chicago, ⁣the ​Divvy‍ scheme ‌had‌ 6.3m⁣ riders, up nearly ‌40% on 2021. And yet many ​schemes,​ like that in Minneapolis, are ⁣closing. In 2019, 109 cities‌ were served‌ by a⁣ docked-bicycle-hire scheme; that has​ now fallen ⁣to 56. What​ is going wrong?

The basic problem, says David Spielfogel, the chief business officer of Lime, which ⁢operates dockless bikes and scooters, ‍is ⁢that the ⁢boom, funded by venture capital,‌ is deflating like a punctured‌ tyre, ​and too many operators “haven’t figured‍ out ‌how to run a profitable business”. Dockless-bike⁤ firms (Lime⁣ aside) were the ‍first⁤ to go. But docked schemes are now suffering too, especially outside the biggest ⁣cities.⁤ In Minneapolis, ‌the ​fact that the bikes did⁤ not function during winter may have ‌contributed ⁣to the system’s demise. Lime, which is ⁢profitable, is one ⁣of the ​firms filling the void.

2023-07-20 08:21:29
Source from‌

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